Chapter 51

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That was all that could be heard ringing in their ears as the four equally dumbfounded faces stared at each other, even a drop of the tiniest needle could be heard with a bang. It was an eerie silence that was mostly witnessed in horror films, the one that indicates that something sinister was lurking by – and for Harry, nothing was more bloodcurdling than what was about to ensue.

But when Selena opened her mouth to speak, he was rendered speechless.

"I-I'm sorry" she said sheepishly, with pink cheeks, her gaze colliding with the floor as she scratched the back of her neck. Harry wasn't the only one taken aback as he saw Lou and Georgia gawk at the woman. "I d-didn't mean to intrude, I-I should've called o-or, knocked or whatever...I-I uhm, I'll just be...err, I'll ju-"

"She'll just be in my room" Lou said as she put an arm around the smaller woman, appearing to have woken up from her stunned stupor; giving an end to Selena's stutters.

Harry could only stare at the brunette as she started to fumble for her things. Her gaze still continued to avert his and her cheeks were still tainted red, and even if there were traces of embarrassment on her face, he knew her flushed color was prominent for a different reason. As soon as the door to his room had opened, the lad had been able to detach his lips and hands from Georgia's. But with the obvious moisture that had flashed through her eyes, there was no denying that she had witnessed the encounter.

"Err, we'll just...yeah" Selena stammered once more attempting to hide the awkwardness with her timid smiles, her eyes still darting everywhere except his.

"Hi, I'm Georgia by the way. I-I'm a friend of Harry's"

Harry watched as surprise and confusion settled on the petite woman's face, seemingly disbelieving the model was speaking to her. He couldn't exactly blame her; even he was a bit dazed with Georgia's deed – not that there was anything to hide anyway.

"O-oh, I'm Selena, it's nice to meet you" she was still obviously uncomfortable, but her smile was genuine, most probably sensing the sincerity from the other woman. It was just one smile and though it wasn't directed at him, he could feel a calming sensation cloud him. Oh how he had missed that smile and immediately his previous intentions were put into question.

Does he really have the heart to break hers?

Harry was left staring at the door that now closed after the two women had gone. He was the only man in the room, but he was the only one who hadn't even uttered a single word – he was a total coward and a douchebag.

After hearing the click from the knob, Harry was again greeted with another surprise and perhaps the most inappropriate one for the day.

Georgia was chuckling.

He crossed his arms as he waited for the woman to cease with her antics. But upon seeing that she was no near to the end, Harry rolled his eyes before asking "What's so funny?"

Seemingly having sensed the initial stirrings of irritation in his tone, the model's giggles soon began to fade and then finally came to a stop, but her eyes were still alight with humor and a smile was on her face much to Harry's discomfort.

"Good luck with that Harold"

"Excuse m-"

"Oh shut it" Georgia dismissively said as she rolled her eyes, then turned to face him fully once again. "Your girlfriend, who probably just arrived from a seven hour plane ride, saw us in a provocative position with you dressed like that and the first thing she says is sorry?" she asked with a snort and a confused Harry was still yet to determine the source of her amusement. But before he could open his mouth to speak, the model continues.

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