Chapter 13

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Oh My Gosh, 69 votes! I know it's not much as compared with the great authors here in wattpad but to me it's a big deal! I never even thought people would be interested in my story. Thank you all. I love you guys! :)


Selena and Zoey were donned in their PJs, lounging on Zoey's bed surrounded by bags of cheetos, Doritos and chocolates. Selena was staying for two weeks at Zoey's place, much to the persuasion of Harry and Zoey in order to "ensure her safety" as they put it. After just a few days of knowing each other; the two had already formed an alliance either for her convenience or annoyance, Selena didn't really know. It was already past ten, but the girls were huddled in front of the TV. The boys were going to have an interview tonight; needless to say, the girls were willing to lose extra hours of shut eye just to see their favorite guys. Selena was biting her bottom lip and twiddled with her thumbs, anxiety clawing on her insides. The two girls already had a good guess on the topic of the interview and even though someone had managed to document a long enough coverage of the story, doing quite a bit of an advantage to Harry's image; still Selena can't help but to be unnerved.

"Hey, it's going to be okay" Zoey said

Selena groaned a bit, then said "I'm just worried about him"

"I'm sure the management is going to take care of him"

"I know, but I just can't help but feel guilty about it"

"Sel, it's not your fault that your ex-boyfriend decided to be a total douchebag you know?" Zoey explained pointedly, rolling her eyes.

"Well, yeah bu-"

"Put it this way, would you rather have Harry not come at all and your ass getting dragged by that dickhead?"

"No" Selena answered, shuddering a bit at the thought of Harry not coming to her rescue

"See, I know you can't help feel a little bad but it's already done. The only thing you can do to repay him is just be there and support him whatever happens" Zoey replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

Selena smiled at her best friend, logic finally sinking in and calming her nerves a bit "You're right, Zoey. That's what I need to do. Thanks"

"Aren't I always?"Zoey asked smugly then suddenly gave a protesting grunt as Selena threw a piece of cheetos on her "Hey!"

"You deserve it!" Selena answered in between bouts of laughter as she dodged the chips flying her way, "Anyway, enough about me. How're you and Niall?" Selena asked as Zoey calmed down a bit.

At the mention of Niall, Zoey's cheeks pinked, making Selena giggle at the rare sight.

"Well, he asked me out a-"

"Woah, you're going on a date?" Selena asked, curiosity shining through her eyes.

"I guess" Zoey admitted sheepishly

"Oh that's so cute! When?"

"Tomorrow, if that's okay with you?"

"Are you insane? It's perfect, why won't it be okay with me anyway?" Selena squealed, then frowned and asked her question, her mood changing from elation to confusion in a split of a second.

"Well, since you're staying here. I mean I don't want to leave you alone"

"That's okay, you idiot. Besides I have chores to finish at home; so I'll just take that time to accomplish them"

Zoey's eyes narrowed at Selena's suggestion "Do you think that's a good idea?"

"Of course, why won't it be?"

And then came you (Harry & Selena)Where stories live. Discover now