Chapter 48

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AN: Sorry for the late update

Harry was breathing hard as he paced around his messy room; his pillows and the duvet scattered on the floor. His knuckles were already white and his palms were undoubtedly marked with the crescent shape of his nails as he kept them fisted tightly. It was after all, the only thing he can do on keeping himself from hauling every item in his room into smithereens. After the news item had aired, the lad was quick to lock himself in his room, ignoring the concerned tones of his friends.

Harry trusted Selena, she knew she was very far from a cheater. But why did she lie to him and tell him that class just finished when she had most likely already arrived home when she sent him that text? The report also said that it was around 4PM when that picture of them was taken, which was about the same time he sent her a message. So did she purposely ignore him?

It did not help that the man she had an encounter with was the very same man responsible for hurting her physically and emotionally. The image of her being brutally bruised by him caused Harry's nostrils to flare and his insides to seethe in rage.

How dare he touch MY Selena like that? How dare he place a kiss on her cheek so casually? Who the fuck does he think he is? Was my warning still not fucking enough for him?

The questions running inside his head for the past two hours did nothing but to intensify his rage. But there was only one question that he tried with all his might to avoid asking himself; for he knew that if he acknowledged it just the tiniest bit, then nothing would stop him from abandoning this tour.

Why on earth did she even allow him to?

Tugging on his curls seemingly for the hundredth time, Harry glanced at the time again. She was still asleep and the fact that he had to wait for another ten hours before he could call her did nothing to placate him. If anything it acted as the devil that tormented him with the most sinister of thoughts.


From: Harry

Hi babe, sorry I fell asleep and just woke up. Text me when you're on your way to school, I'll see if I can call you by then. I love you.

Selena released a groan of disapproval. She was deeply displeased as she read the text that Harry sent her during the night. They seemed to have been locked by a cycle of missing each other's attempts of contacting one another and the feeling was excruciating for her. This has been going on for quite a while now and Selena wanted nothing more than to get rid of this seemingly never ending maze. She missed him too damn much and this torture did nothing more than to aggravate it.

Judging from the time, it was around afternoon in Tokyo already and upon this realization another groan escaped her lips. The boys were probably engrossed in sound check for their concert later this evening so she knew it won't do any good to call right now. So with a heavy heart, she just settled for a text, hoping that they would finally get the chance to talk.

To: Harry

Hi baby. I just woke up, sorry :(. If you're not too busy I can give you a call in a while. But it's okay if you're occupied with something, just text me later okay? Hopefully we can talk soon. I miss you too much Harold! I love you.

Upon sending the message, Selena bit her lip and wondered if she should have already mentioned her encounter with Luke. It wasn't something that she neither wanted nor needed to hide from him. She just figured out that it was probably better to tell him through a call and not a text. If only they could manage one.

Replaying the scenery in her mind, she thought that the location of their encounter was a safe one. The corner of Boyle and Maddox was quite a safe distance from the main road. It was actually a shortcut that she takes when she had the train as her only means of transportation. She also liked the route because it was safe yet seemed to offer her enough privacy.

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