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That night, Wilbur found himself laying under a thick blanket listening to the rain outside. Even through the darkness of the night he could see the grey clouds and worked out that there must be a storm coming, he wondered for a second if that could be pathetic fallacy or maybe even foreshadowing.

He shrugged the thought off and rolled over with his back to the window, his new room was big. In fact the house was big, it felt lonely without siblings, and he felt even more alone when he remembered how he would wake up to hear Techno violently clicking away at a computer or be able to hear Tommy in his room on the phone to Tubbo most nights.

He tried not to think about them as he snuggled under the blankets once more in an attempt to get warm, being lonely made him more aware of the draft spilling in through the window that was only open the smallest amount. But the thoughts followed them into his sleep.

When Wilbur woke up, he was greeted with the smell of toast..
'Just 3 bites' He heard Phils voice in the back of his mind somewhere but he abruptly stood up so he didn't have to wallow in his own self-pity for any longer and forced himself to get dressed before mapping out the way to the stairs, he had been given a tour - but he couldn't remember it.

"Good morning, Wilbur!" Rose greeted, sitting at the dining table with a plate of toast. He smiled at her before she spoke again,
"Liam is at work. He should be back at 6 and I have to leave for work in a couple of minutes so you'll be alone for awhile, do you remember where everything is?" Wilbur nodded,
"help yourself to some breakfast and food too, make yourself at home." She smiled before taking her now empty plate to the kitchen to wash it and Wilbur followed, pretending to 'make breakfast'.

He only associated the noun with one place, and that certainly was not here. It was somewhere he would only return too during restless nights & bittersweet dreams.


Tommy sat at the table, Ranboo by his side and a pale Techno infront of him barely touching his cereal as Phil sat down with his phone in hand scrolling through something none of his boys cared enough to question.

"Techno isn't eating his breakfast." Tommy chanted, a smirk on his face as his new plan for the day was to annoy his brother watching him wipe at the sweat on his forehead.
"Fuck off, I wonder why." He spat back, his body shaking as he spoke.
"Mate, don't talk to Tommy like that. He hasn't done anything." Phil sighs, too tired to deal with an argument breaking out right now.
"No, he hasn't. You have, though." Phil put his phone into his pocket and rested his head on his palms,
"and what would that be?" He taunted, partly knowing where this was going when Techno abruptly stood and ran to the sink to retch before turning on his heels and pointing his finger at his dads chest accusingly.

"You fucking did this to me." His voice boomed, his free hand wrapping into a sharp fist.
"Techno, sit down." Phil ordered not phased by his sons anger, he partly could see where Techno was coming from. It was him that took all his alcohol, weed and nicotine supplies away, but it was Techno who started it in the first place.

"I'm not listening to you." He growled, Tommy watched Technos' fists tighten as he gripped onto Phils white shirt and slowly raised his fist.
"Don't hit dad!" He suddenly cried out, tears travelling down his cheeks as Ranboo protectively wrapped an arm around him to try and comfort him. Techno looked down at his hand tightly gripping onto the white fabric before meeting his dads gaze, blue eyes swarmed with fear yet betrayal.

He slowly dropped his hands, a sob caught in his throat as a whimper escaped and he shut his eyes. Phil was quick to wrap his son in a warm hug letting the pink-haired sob into his shoulder dampening the fabric with tears, better tears than his own blood, Phil thought as he rubbed circles into his back.
"I'm sorry- I didn't-" Techno begun, feeling his dads racing heartbeat against his own while chanting apologies into the crook of Phils neck as he just soothed him. He lifted his head to rest on Phils shoulder and his eyes immediately landed on a photo frame, the photo illustrating Tommy and Techno on their first day of school.

Techno had an arm wrapped around Tommy just as Ranboo was doing now, and they both had loving smiles on their faces. He couldn't calm his racing heart, he wasn't the same.

That boy was loving, once. But looking at the old photo he felt like he was staring at a stranger, he was merely a ghost of who he once was..

"Dad- am I a bad person?" Techno choked out, pulling away to look at his dad who didn't meet his gaze - an unspoken answer hung in the air for what felt like centuries.
"You just need help." Phil spoke, his voice soft as if Techno could explode infront of him if he said the wrong thing.. and then Techno realised that was exactly Phils thought process. He was treading on eggshells around his own son.

"You just need help, mate." Phil repeated pulling his son back into the loving embrace.

'He didn't deny it.' Techno shuddered hearing the voice, once they would have screamed at him to shout. To beg Phil to deny it. To punch him until he agreed that Techno wasn't a bad person.

But now all they wanted was to see blood, not Wilburs, not a mental image of someone else's. They wanted Phil to bleed out in apologies, Techno cursed himself for not taking his medication, but all he could think about was how Phil didn't deny it.

[ A/N remember to take care of yourselves! <3 ]

Silent Screams  // WILBUR SOOT ANGST // SBI ADOPTION AUWhere stories live. Discover now