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Phil placed gentle hands on Technos shoulders, guiding him to the front room where he laid on the sofa with tears still flowing down his cheeks.
"Dad- I'm sorry-" Techno whimpered out feeling a soft blanket get draped over him, Phil didn't say anything.

When Techno had first hit Tommy, he was drunk. But he came so close to punching his own dad while sober.

"Did you take your medication?" Phil asked, his voice deadpan yet worry was hidden underneath the thick layers. It reminded Techno of who he once was - a rough shell to hide the love he was too scared to offer, but now all he had was a rough shell and violent tendencies.

"No," he admitted. It wasn't an excuse, he thought to himself, but Phil thought the fact he was even admitting to it instead of lying again was progress.
"I'll go get it, okay? Stay here." Phil turned on his feet, but lingered in the doorway.

"We need to get you help, son."

"I know." Techno whispered,

'You hurt everyone you love.'

"I know." He repeated biting his cheeks.


"It w-wasn't your f-fault, Tommy." Ranboo reassured, the two still sat on the barstools. Ranboo didn't dare to remove his arm from around Tommy, he had nobody to hold him when his dad got violent - he would rather die than watch someone be alone in the same position, especially if he could hold them like he once needed.

"But I annoyed him." The blonde croaked out,
"you w-were being a y-younger b-brother, Tommy. It i-isn't your f-fault if h-he can't be an older b-brother." Honesty punctuated his statement and Tommy knew he was right, Techno was legally his older brother - but Tommy could only remember when he actually felt like an older brother. When Techno loved him like an older brother.

When they were younger, Techno and Tommy would follow eachother around like lost puppies. They grew up laughing together and Techno was always there to catch Tommy if he fell from trees or climbing frames, but this time Ranboo was holding Tommy up as he cried into his shoulder mourning his still living brother.

"Do you promise you won't leave?" Tommy whispered, he couldn't help but be selfish. He didn't want Ranboo to be another lesson about 'letting go' - he needed him to be a brother.

"I p-promise." He tightened his grip on Tommy when he let out another loud sob.

"I miss Techno." Ranboo blinked and furrowed his eyebrows,
"w-what do y-you mean, he's j-just in t-the other r-roo-"
"no. I miss the old Techno."

"Oh." Ranboo faltered.

"And I miss Wilbur, isn't that funny?" He sniffled, finally breaking away from Ranboos arms.
"I miss Wilbur, who left me while being an actual brother. And I miss Techno for not being an actual brother anymore, maybe I'm supposed to be an only child or something." Tommy joked, wiping at his own tears before Ranboo beat him to it and wiped the salty trails with the sleeves of his own purple hoodie.
"I'll b-be your b-brother, Tommy. The b-brother that stays." Ranboo offered, Tommy looked up at him through a blur of tears while Ranboo tried his best to maintain the eye contact.

"Really? What about your uncle? The one Eret mentioned."

Ranboo looked at the floor,
"I'd r-rather d-die then w-watch someone be s-so scared a-and alone. Especially i-if I could d-do something about i-it."

"I'm a big man, the biggest actually, I'm never scared." Tommy beamed, not even stumbling over the sentence he had told Wilbur, in-fact for the first time - Wilbur wasn't a thought of the blondes.

Ranboo wasn't Wilbur, he was Ranboo, and that was enough.


Wilbur came to realise that most of his time here would be spent alone, not that he minded. They were both loving people, they cared about him and always included him when they were around but he wondered if they even loved eachother or if they were just posing as a couple to earn the money.

The distances between them when they sat on the sofa, or Rose kicking Liam out the bedroom at ungodly hours for 'snoring' proved Wilburs theory to be correct. But what could he do, say something to Eret and leave another house?

He didn't mind being alone, a small part of him preferred it - it was all he ever really knew. It was all he was used too. On the days he was left alone, he opted to explore the house or try to befriend their cat Benjamin, surprisingly he was only a kitten and would rather claw at you then be stroked. Though Wilbur didn't seem to mind.

But despite his short time here, today Eret was coming over for a 'check-up' as she frequently called it. And Wilbur had to stop himself from laughing when Liam & Rose were practically conjoined at the hip when they showed up.
"Eret! Come in, it's a pleasure. Wilbur is in the front room, would you like us to give you guys space?" He hears Rose talking, but the sofa is out of view from the front door so he can't really see anything.
"If you don't mind."
"Of course not! We'll just be upstairs." It was Liams voice this time, but he heard footsteps approaching him aswell as two sets of footsteps walking straight past the sofa.

"Hi, Wilbur!" Eret beamed, sitting next to him and going through her folder before passing the teenager some spare lined paper aswell as a pen.
"How are they?" Wilbur shrugged, they were okay, they were never around and that was more than okay to him.
Eret smiled warmly and nodded at the brunette before parting their lips again,
"I know we only do this for long term placements, but how would you feel about going back into mainstream school? You have exams coming up, important ones and I'm sure you don't need me to tell you how important they are." Wilbur shuffled in his seat, he never really had good experiences with schools.

Paper balls were always aimed at him and snide comments were always made, he was never really physically hurt though, so he thought he was just exaggerating. But still, he was always an outsider, he couldn't introduce himself to the class on his first days or spark a conversation up with the people next to him.

'Yeah. Okay.' He displayed his sentence to Eret and immediately regretted it,
"alright. I'll talk to Rose and Liam about enrolling you, oh and also, I got you booked with a therapist. Well, actually, I tried too-" Wilbur felt hope wash through him, maybe he had dodged a bullet and he wouldn't have to go back to therapy.
"But I gave them a brief explanation of why, and they thought a psychiatrist would be more suited. I think his name is Dr.Ponk, anyway, I'll be here to pick you up at 12 on Wednesday." Wilbur deflated in his seat before nodding, subconsciously drumming his fingers into his grey jogging bottoms.

[ A/N #2 IN WILBURSOOT WHAT? /pos also i hope ur all doing well <3  im meeting my ibf tomorrow im so nervous but excited kekw. ]

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