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(Y/n)'s POV

As we search around the building we find clothes, flashlights, guns, and water. "It looks like people lived here," Winston says picking up a shirt from the ground "where are they now?" Newt asks and I shudder at the thought. While searching around I begin packing up what could be useful to us, water and canned food. "Guys we need to pack up what could be useful. We don't know the next time we'll have resources like this," I tell them tossing a bag to Teresa to pack up.

Thomas and Minho go off on their own to see what else they could find in the building, and I hoped it would be something good. "(Y/n), take a look at this," Newt called handing me a bottle of medicine and my eyes light up "Is there more?" I ask him and he nods. "There's a crate of different ones, and I don't know but they may have prenatal vitamins," he tells me sheepishly and I laugh lightly. 

"You don't have to be nervous about saying it Newt, I'm pregnant, thank you for looking out for me," I tell him as I begin shining my light down on the different medications. "I promise that we'll be here for you (Y/n). Even though Gally's gone, it doesn't mean that you're alone," Newt tells me helping me pick and choose medicines that could be beneficial to us. "I'm scared, not of having the baby, but that it'll look like Gally. I don't know if I can handle seeing his face every day. That reminder of everything that's gone," I tell him as I finally grab a hold of some prenatal vitamins. 

"I can hardly imagine a baby Gally," Newt chuckles and I do too "you know we had talked about having kids in the glade," I admit staring off for a minute my mind fluttering to other conversation. 

"Do you think we'll ever get out?" I ask Gally as we sit at the top of the tower overlooking at the Glade. "No, but this is our home anyways. We'll have a family and the whole glade will help raise them," he says causing me to blush. "You want to have a baby?" I ask looking at Gally and he smiles at me like only Gally can sending butterflies through me. "Yes, maybe in a few years. We have plenty of time," Gally says laughing lightly, I lean over and peck his lips lightly. 

Newt stayed silent and rubbed my back in a comforting way to let me know that it was okay. When I finally pulled myself together and went back to rummaging through the ruins, I went into my own head thinking about Gally. That was basically all I could think about, about how Gally loved me and would have loved being a dad. I was forcibly pulled out of my thoughts by the screams of Thomas and Minho for us to run, and we didn't hesitate especially after seeing what I can only imagine are cranks behind them.

We ran faster than I think we knew we could, but we weren't exactly sure of where we were going. I shot at a few with the gun I had found, "Newt!" I shouted as a crank attempted to pin Newt down to do whatever they do to us. Thomas kicked off the crank and got Newt back running with us and I grabbed Newt's hand pulling him along with us. I wouldn't leave anyone behind, I can't lose anyone else. When we ended up at a dead-end attempting to break open a locked door Winston called out "I'll hold them back!"

Winston began shooting at the cranks attempting to keep them away from us. When we finally opened the door we waste no time filing through in a panic. Fear spreads through me when Winston trips and a crank attempts to pull him back behind the door. "Help me!" he shouts and I run and grab his hand attempting to pull him back. The cranks were clawing at Winston's stomach and tears started to fall from my eyes. "Pull harder!" I shouted at Fry and Newt who were helping me.

When we finally got him out Minho and Thomas quickly follow us away from the cranks who were trying hard to get to us. Fry and Newt basically carried Winston as we hid in the rubble outside the building, and I felt like this was a disaster. I had Winston's head in my lap when I woke up, and I could feel the cold clamminess of his forehead. When Winston tried to get up he grabbed his stomach in pain, we had done the best we could at wrapping his wounds, but I would be lying if I said I thought it's helped. 

"Hey man, are you okay?" Fry asks helping Winston off the ground and Winston gives a weak nod as an answer and I stare at him unsure. As we walked out of the rumble I noticed the way Winston staggered and sucked in sharp breaths in pain. I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze attempting to comfort him. When we were about to climb up a large mountain of rubble Thomas looks out from where he'd already climbed "everyone okay?" he asked and everyone gives a nod.

I look over at Winston unsure as he clutched at his stomach and sucked in another sharp breath. "Hey, can you do this?" I asked him leaning to look into his eyes, and I rub his back like Newt had done to me yesterday. "Yeah, I'll be alright," he tells me not very confidently but I start up on my descent behind Winston as he began to climb. When we finally got to the top of the rubble and then up the sand done we look out over what used to be a city.

Thomas points out to the mountains out in the distance "Those mountains that must be it, that's where we're going," he states looking out towards the mountains as if they weren't miles away. "That's a long way off Newt said looking out with him and my attention turns when I hear Winston's breathing pick up rapidly. "We better get moving," Thomas says "Winston?" I ask him ad he gasps before passing out into the sand. Frantically we all crowd the boy trying to get him to speak to us.

Tears sting the corners of my eyes as he only gasps for breath. As they begin to make a stretcher to carry him on I hold his head in my lap gently wiping the tears off of his face. I lean down a kiss his forehead "you have to get better," I tell his unconscious form. I couldn't lose anyone else, not my best friend. Minho and Fry pulled Winston a long way sometimes enlisted Thomas's help when needed. We walked for so long we eventually found ourselves in a sand storm, I passed out scarfs to pull over their noses to prevent breathing it in. I also gave scarfs to try and protect their eyes, but they were basically useless out in the storm.

"We need to find shelter!" Thomas shouted out obviously unable to last any longer in the storm, and there was fear of losing one another in the storm. We eventually found what was the remains of a house hiding behind remains of walls. When the storm finally passed we were having to dump sand out of our shoes that had gathered in the bottom.

I stayed next to Winston pushing his thick black hair away from his face that started to cling to him from the cold sweat, and I was happy to see him sleep. I tried to convince myself that he would feel better after he got a little more sleep. I close my eyes and rest against the wall behind me.

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