No One Else

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(Y/n)'s POV

I jumped awake at the sound of a misfired gunshot, my eyes spring open and go to the source Winston. Fry had snatched the gun out of Winston's hand and I stare at Winston in shock, "What's going on?" I ask looking at Fry "I don't know he just woke up and grabbed the gun," fry explained. Winston was on all fours gasping for breath reaching out for the gun, and it made my heartbreak to look at it. 

"Winston," I said in a soft tone approaching him with Thomas, but he only retched up blood and vomit. I didn't back away I just rubbed his back trying to ease him, but I knew it was too late for comfort. He dropped back onto his back and I wiped the sweat off of him with the sleeve of my shirt "Winston, what's going on?" I ask looking at him with sad eyes knowing I didn't want to hear the answer. 

"It's growing," he tells me lifting his shirt to reveal the tears in his stomach had stretched further and were turning black, and it reminded me of symptoms of when someone was stung in the maze. "No," I whisper as Winston lays his shirt back down Winston makes eye contact with me grabbing my hand as if I'm the one who needs comforting. "I'm not going to make it," he tells me, and then he looks back at Fry who had the gun and he reached out for it. 

"Please, don't let me turn into one of them," he begged and Fry stared at the gun switching it between his hands unsure of what to do. I still held WInstons hand and I was shocked he was complaining about how tightly I gripped onto it. We all stared at him quietly for a minute no one really knowing what to do in this situation. I knew I didn't want Winston to die, but it looked like I didn't have a choice.

Newt took the gun out of Fry's hand, and then went over to where Winston lay beside me in the sand. Newt knelt down and took Winston's free hand putting the gun into it. "Thank you," Winston said and I shook my head violently "get out of here," Winston tells us taking his hand away from mine and I feel Newt take my hand that Winston had just released. "Goodbye Winston," Newt said then he looked at me signaling me to say goodbye, and Winston looked at me with watery bloodshot brown eyes and I finally let my tears fall.

"I love you, Winston, you're my best friend. Goodbye," I tell him wanting to say so much more, but not knowing how to formulate the words and knowing I don't have the time. As Newt leads me away I hear the others begin to say goodbye and I don't know if I can hold it together. When we finally get far enough away from Winston to where we can't see him we hear the gunshot ring through the air, and I was right I couldn't hold it together.

I fall to my knees with a thud and my two closest friends are flanking me in an instant Fry and Newt. "(Y/n), come on. It's okay," Newt says attempting to soothe me and I shake my head "Are we all going to die?" I ask my mind gone and I felt delerious from what had just happened. Winston was dead, Gally was dead, Chuck was dead, and they were all so close to me I look at Fry and Newt scared that they were next on the chopping block. 

I feel them tug me back up and Fry holds my hand and we cry together in the back of the group. We both spent nearly everyday in the maze with Winston, and now he was gone. We didn't walk much further. When the sun went down we made a hasty shelter and started a fire as we all crowded around it there was a sad tension hanging around us. The missing presence having a obvious effect on all of us.

"I thought we were suppose to be immune?" Minho asked not removing his gaze from the blazing fire "not all of us, I guess," Teresa adds in the same soft tone that Minho had in his voice. "If Winston can get infected, we should assume so can the rest of us," Newt says always the one to be precautions and worried for his group. "I never thought I'd say it, but I miss the glade," Frypan adds wiping the tears off his cheeks and I put my hand over my belly rubbing it gently. I pull out the piece of paper in my pocket with my results on it that hold Gally's picture. 

"What I wouldn't give for one more normal day in the glade," I said thinking of how amazing it would be to have all the people we've lost back with us. Fry wraps an arm around me in a hug that I gladly take needing the comfort. "I swear to God, no one else is aloud to shucking die," I tell them before laying down to go into a much needed rest.

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