What Are We?

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(Y/n)'s POV

After I stormed away from Gally I found the others and were directed to a room with tables, chairs, and couches. I found myself sprawled across the sofa frustrated thinking about about Gally, and I didn't know what to do with these feeling's. "(Y/n)? Are you good?" Brenda asked approaching my hostile figure as I rubbed furious circles into my stomach trying to push away thoughts of Gally. "I'm perfect, the man I'm in love with thought that I was carrying someone else's child, and then undermined the entire reason I was here," I said thinking of what Gally had told me, that I shouldn't be here.

"I don't even know what we are anymore Bren," I tell her closing my eyes in defeat letting my emotions swallow me whole, "why don't you just ask him?" Brenda asks me sitting next to me on the sofa. I shrug "everything is so complicated now, and I feel like we've missed out on so much. How do I tell him that I spent everyday for the past six months thinking about him? Or how do I explain that I had to force him out of my head because I thought I was going crazy because I missed him so much? I feel like he doesn't want to know me anymore," I tell her thinking of Gally's detached manner as we talked. 

Other then when he felt the baby kick he could barely looked at me let alone touch me or hug me. I remember the nights in the glade where he'd hold me long into the night and draw circles into my skin as I fell asleep. I felt hot tears prick my eyes "damn pregnancy hormones," I say wiping the tears from my eyes. Brenda grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze, "it's okay to not know, but it's not okay to not try," she tells me and I laugh lightly at the line. "Did I ever tell you all this started by me pouring stew all over Gally?" I ask wanting to not focus on the now, she shakes her head "why'd you do that?" she asked me and I laugh.

"We use to fight all the time and he made me mad, but when he found out I was mad because it was my one year in the maze he came to make sure I was okay. Gally always took care of me... Ever since that day he was always there," I tell her thinking back wishing for the simplicity. "How did the maze become so simple?" I thought wiping the fresh tears. I run my hand through the back of my hair, it had grown out just enough. I didn't know wether to shave it or not "just talk to him," Brenda tells me before leaving me to my own devices. 

I lean my head back and feel the sun shine down onto my figure, I stretch out slightly and find myself drifting asleep. Everything will be easier when I wake up I attempt to fool myself into believing, but even as I drift off I know it's a lie.

Gally's POV

I get back from showing Thomas and Newt the city and as they go to find the others I go into what can best be described as a lounge. When I enter my heart flips like it hasn't done in forever, I had almost forgotten how beautiful (Y/n) was. I approach her sleeping form and for the first time I soak in every part of her. I notice old and new scars her cheek holding a long scar across it, and her numb of a finger from the glade. My eyes travel down to her stomach that her hands sit on top of protectively. Our baby, (Y/n) was going to have our baby. How far along was she? I wondered as I found myself rubbing the baby bump. 

The idea sent worry through me. Why would she do this, this far along in her pregnancy? What if she went into labor tonight? Who would deliver the kid? "You can unfurrow your eyebrows, I'm not due for another two months," she says groggily with her eyes still shut. I nod and reluctantly pull my hand away from her body, "you should wake up they're about to come back to discuss strategy for getting into WICKED's facility," I tell her shoving my hands into my sweatshirt's pockets. 

She opens her (e/c) eyes and stares at me longingly "Gally," she says as she pushes herself to sit upright onto the sofa her now short hair standing on end from how she slept. "What are we?" she asked me her eyes glancing down at the floor unsure of the answer, and I searched my brain for an answer to give her. 

(Y/n)'s POV

I feel the sweat on my palms as I wait for Gally to answer my question, but did I want to know the answer? "You dumped me in the maze remember?" he asks and I feel my heart break a little at the way he says it "Gally, I-" I start but I am cut off by Thomas and the other's coming in to talk. 

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