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(Y/n)'s POV

Gally let's go of my wrist when we're out of earshot from the group and I for a second realize it's been six months since I've been alone with Gally. "Talk," Gally says his temper obviously high and I look at him confused "I wanted to um.." I stumble over my words and I feel like a kid not knowing how to express my feelings. Gally fixes it for me "who's is it?" he asks and I furrow my brow "what?" I ask anger seeping in with what he's suggesting. 

"Who's baby is it? Fry's? I saw how he was holding you," he tells me and I scoff and look at him trying to read if he was serious. "Gally, I thought you were dead," I say quietly fighting my anger "I talked and thought about you every single day, and you have the nerve to think I'd forget about you that quickly?" I ask hurt and then I see realization cross his face. "It's mine," he says and I nod "yes you stupid shank," I tell him "and just so you know, no, there's no one else. Fry helps me because he's a good friend. The last few months have been hard, so Fry has been taking care of me," I tell him 

Gally stays quiet and I can see his brain working overtime to make sense of what's happening. When he stays unmoved I feel my heart tighten "Gally, I know this is a lot, but please talk to me," I urge him and I see him stiffen under my eyes. "Why did you leave me?" he asked and I immediately remember the last time I saw him, "I didn't," I told him honestly. "I was clinging to your side until I was dragged away from you," I tell him, and it's almost like he's trying to remember. "Do you remember a lot from when you were stung?" I ask seeing him trying to put pieces together, and he nods slowly "I remember being stung, and then confronting you guys. I remember firing the gun...," and for a minute Gally goes silent thinking of what all that entails.

"I remember your voice," he tells me and I know he heard me tell him that I love him, the only time I told him. "Did you mean it?" he asked and I nod "I still do," I answer and he stares into my eyes trying to decide whether he believes me or not. I couldn't understand why it was so hard right now, I feel the baby kick and my hand instinctively goes to my stomach. "Your kid responds a lot to you being close," I tell him and he looks at my stomach in wonder. 

"Can I?" he asks his hand already reaching out slightly to feel my stomach. When I nod and his hands meet my stomach I feel a shudder of nerves run through me, and I can't tell whether they make me want to back away or engulf him in a hug. The baby gets excited at the contact more than with anyone else and they begin kicking for Gally to feel. "That's incredible," Gally says feeling the movement. "(Y/n) why the hell are you here?" Gally asks suddenly brows furrowed confused and almost angry.

I bristle at the words "what do you mean I'm here for Minho like everyone else," I told him and he looks at my stomach and shakes his head. "You're pregnant like really pregnant, you shouldn't be here! You almost got shot at today!" He yells at me and I raise my eyebrows at him in shock. "I'm aware Gally! I know I'm pregnant I have been and I've been in situations like this all throughout my pregnancy, and I'm not gonna just sit back while they torture Minho," I tell him pulling away from his contact on my stomach.

He glares at me slightly "are you stupid? You can't keep putting yourself in these situations," he tells me and I glare right back at him "Shut your mouth okay! You haven't been there! Minho had to protect me from more than I want to admit, and I'm not gonna let him die for me," I tell him thinking back to Minho pushing me ahead of him before he was captured. Gally scoffs and I shake my head and walk away from him tired of arguing.

One hell of a reunion.

The Fight That Haunted Me: The Second Book of Love at First FightWhere stories live. Discover now