I Guess So

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(Y/n)'s POV

We had finally convinced Thomas into luring Teresa away so we could talk to her and get the more exclusive information that we needed to get in and out. I was trying to enjoy the rest of the morning but couldn't, not with the news about Newt in the back of my mind along with so much more. I felt myself glaring at the food in front of me, and I then feel a presence sit beside me. 

"last year I would have been mad at you for wasting food," I hear Gally's voice say bringing me out of my twisted thoughts. I laugh at the statement "why not anymore? Do you have a surplus of food I'm not aware of?" I ask him my eyes only flickering over towards his large frame. He shakes his head "no, but I think you have a right to glare at your food. Fry told me about your mom, and everything," Gally says stealing a piece of tough meat from my plate to stuff into his mouth. 

"Yeah, it wasn't easy. I don't know if I'll be able to contain myself around Teresa when we get her," I tell Gally thinking about how she caused all of this. "Is it bad I'm able to still see the good in this situation," I ask in a mumble closing my eyes and I can feel Gally shift his gaze on me "what do you mean? What good?" he asks me and I laugh at my own stupidity. "I wish Teresa would have never betrayed us, but if she hadn't... I wouldn't be here next to you. I thought you were dead, and I thought a million times I'd give anything to have you back. Granted I didn't think the price would be so high, but I can't pretend that I'm not happy you're alive. Even with how complicated it is, you're alive," I tell him looking over at him and hesitantly reaching out to cup his face.

I can feel him lean into my touch slightly, "why is this so hard?" I ask him wanting to have things back to normal. I see a smirk tug at the corner of his mouth "because so much has happened. We're insecure about so much, and we don't want to get hurt anymore," Gally says and I see his walls had melted down. I stare at him unable to fight it anymore hugging him and nearly letting out a sob when I do. 

"I don't care about anything that's happened. I can't lose you again. I want you, and I want to be at safe haven together like we deserve," I tell him as I bury myself into the crock of his neck. His grip is tight on me but not tight enough to cause the baby harm "I promise not to leave you again (Y/n)," he tells me I feel hot tears on my face. I pull back and slam my lips into his without hesitation, I kiss him like it maybe the last kiss I ever get. 

When we separate Gally looks at me with such love and such a sweet smile that I almost get lost in it. "Gally, I love you," I tell him wanting him to know, knowing that in our world I need to tell him every chance we get. His smile broadens "I love you too (Y/n)," he says and we kiss again this time much softer but with just as much passion beneath the surface. 

"Well I guess you guys figured things out," I hear Newt joke from behind us and we pull away and I laugh lightly before wiping the trail of tears from my eyes. "I guess so," I say looking at Gally happier than I've been in a long time. I wanted it to last forever, but I knew it wouldn't Newt's slightly exposed forearm was a reminder of that. Right now though this was my happiest moment, and I wasn't ready to let the negative thoughts race back into my mind. 

I guess this is what happiness looks like now.

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