We'll Make Them All Pay

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(Y/n)'s POV

When the evening came Gally and Thomas left to put the plan to get Teresa in motion. When they returned with her head bagged and thrown over Gally's shoulder hot rage burned inside me. My mom was dead because of her, and Minho was being tortured because of her! Why did she think she or anyone else was worth more than Minho or any other immune WICKED had taken. The fact that she was alive and my mom was dead riddled me with anger and I knew given the chance I'd kill her.

Gally sat her in a chair before removing the bag from over her head, and now she could see everyone she'd betrayed right in front of her. She was breathing rapidly and quickly brushed the hair out of her face as she looked around frantically. When her eyes landed on Gally her forehead creased in confusion "Gally?" she asked her eyes darting around to Thomas, me, and back to Gally. Gally leans against the table beside where I sit in a chair tossing a piece of paper down. 

"So this is how this is going to go, we're going to ask you some questions, and you're going to tell us exactly what we need to know." Gally tells her frankly as he pulls up a chair "we'll start off simple, wheres Minho?" he asks sitting directly in front of her intimidating her. Teresa's eyes go to Thomas "you guys don't seriously think that-" she starts to say meekly "don't look at him," Gally tells her blocking her view of Thomas. 

"Why are you looking at him? Look at me, he's not going to help you. Now we know you have Minho in the building. Where?" Gally asks forcefully I feel myself stiffen more every time Teresa talks the urge to interject and make her pay overwhelming. "He's with the others in holding, on level three," Teresa tells Gally as she plays with her hands "how many others?" Newt asks. Teresa takes in a long breath "twenty-eight," she tells him "I can make that work," Brenda shrugs. Teresa shakes her head "No, no, you guys don't understand, the whole level is restricted. You can't get in without a  thumbprint ID," Teresa tells us making me sick at how she still wants to stop us. 

"That's why you're going to come with us," Thomas tells her and I shrug standing and grabbing a knife "Well, I don't know. She said we only need her thumb," I say approaching Teresa slightly "(Y/n), back off," Thomas tells me causing a sick smile to cross my features as I look Teresa over. "What are you squeamish? I bet she's done a lot worse to Minho," I tell him shifting my weight between my feet as I stare at her. "That's not the plan, back off," Thomas says taking the knife from my hand causing me to fold my arms across my chest. 

"It doesn't make a difference, do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door, the sensors will pick you up," She says "we know we're tagged, property of WICKED. You're going to help us with that too," Thomas tells her handing her the knife I'd threatened to cut her finger off with. 

When it came to my turn to sit and have her cut my implant out she was silent at first. "You're looking good, babywise," she tells me and I fight the urge not to turn around and scowl "yeah no thanks to you," I remind her. "Did you know that Mary was my mom?" I ask her as I try not to flinch at the feeling in the back of my neck. She's silent for a long minute "yes," is all she says and when she finishes I turn to look at her. "I should kill you, and if Thomas wasn't so keen on keeping you alive I would. Do you not remember what it was like in the glade right before we left? Do you not remember the friends you've made? Do we not deserve to live? What made our lives matter less?" I asked her before storming off angry.

"Hey, you okay?" Gally asks seeing my angry expression covering my features. I nod and try not to let my anger overwhelm me "I just want someone to pay, and she seems like the person who deserves it," I tell Gally as I shoot an angry glance over at Teresa as she begins with Thomas. Gally cups my face and rubs sweet circles into my skin "we'll make them all pay," he tells me before letting a sweet kiss hit my lips. 

It was about to be a long night, and although I would have a very small part I wasn't gonna fail no matter what. 

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