She Can't Resist

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(Y/n)'s POV

We all crowded around a table to stand and discuss how we'd get into the WICKED facility and save Minho. Gally brings out many papers scattering them around the table, blueprint and data logs litter the table, and in the center are three guard masks. "Okay, so what do we need to get in?" U ask pushing the earlier conversation out of my mind "Thomas has to get Teresa to agree to help us," Gally says frankly not making eye contact instead searching the paper down in front of him. 

"No, there has to be another way," Thomas interjects shaking his head "like what? You've seen the place, she is our only way in. We need to be thinking of how to get her to let her guard down," Gally states, and I immediately know how to do that. "We can make him be a ghost. Have him stand far away let her get a glimpse of him then he could walk away and lead her to a secluded area. She won't be able to resist the temptation," I say thinking back to a few months ago. 

"You really think she's gonna help us?" Thomas asks still against the idea of getting Teresa involved "I don't plan on asking for her permission," Gally says looking over at Thomas. "Am I missing something here? This is the same girl who betrayed us correct? Same dick?" Brenda asks harshly frustrated with Thomas not being able to do what needs to be done. "I like her," Gally states jeering his head towards Brenda and although he meant it platonically I feel a pang of hurt and jealousy wash over me. 

"What's going on?" Brenda asks Thomas who's pacing around the room "what if after she starts seeing 'ghost' like (y/n)? Do we really want to do that to her?" Thomas asks trying to find a reason out of using Teresa. I can see Gally's eyes look over towards me and I can't look at him, it was a hard topic and with everything else going on it could wait. "What are you afraid that your little girlfriends going to get hurt?" Newt asks sounding annoyed.

When Thomas says quiet Newt continues "hmm? This has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho, has it?" he asks as he stared Thomas down his eyes seeming detached and cold. "What are you talking about?" Thomas asks playing dumb acting like he didn't care about Teresa being here. "Teresa! She's the only reason that Minho's even missing in the first place, and now we finally have an opportunity  to get him back and you don't want to because of her?" Newt asks backing Thomas against the wall. 

Newt's actions were drastically different than his usual, he was the peacemaker the glue, and I hadn't ever seen him like this before. "Because deep down inside you still care about her don't you just admit it," Newt adds "Newt I-" Thomas starts before Newt shoves him against the wall slightly. "Don't lie to me! Don't lie to me!" Newt shouts in Thomas's face causing me to step back in shock, worry began to cloud my features seeing Newt hesitantly take a step back realization of what he was doing coming over him. "I'm sorry," he mumbles before he exits the room and my heart sinks at the scene.

I waddle over to a chair ready to settle down for a minute need my head to clear out everything.

Gally's POV

After Thomas and Newt exit I stand with Brenda, Fry, and Jorge overlooking at the table. I can see (y/n) over in a chair rubbing swollen ankles, and what she'd suggested and what Thomas said swirl around in my head. "What did Thomas mean earlier when he said (Y/n) was seeing 'ghost'?" I ask looking up at the three faces waiting for an answer. Fry sighs and scratches the back of his neck. "About four or so months ago, (Y/n) was struggling with coping over you, Chuck, her mom she wasn't doing good. She wouldn't stop talking about you and one day she just wondered off, Vince, her dad started freaking out. We found her with a twisted ankle the next day... She said she thought she say you... She was so deep in grief she wanted you back so bad her mind started playing tricks on her. Then I was put in charge of protecting her, and she had to try to let you go even though she was reluctant," Fry explained and I felt my heart break at the thought.

"Oh," is all I could manage to say before we started to go back over the plan, but my eyes kept going over towards her. When she made her way back over towards the table she didn't look at me she was still (Y/n) wanting to prove herself. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she spoke and I wished I knew how to fix everything that was so messed up between us.

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