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It was scorching that day. Elina came back home from school just to realize that she forgot to cook rice for lunch before she left for school. She took out her phone and started scrolling on Twitter, just to encounter a tweet that piqued her interest. She clicked follow and a few hours after that, he followed back. 

"Huh, he doesn't look that bad. In fact, my type," Elina thought to herself.

Elina sighed. After going through a harsh breakup three months before, she was having a hard time to feel enthusiastic about anything. All she did was bury herself in textbooks since her final exam was coming up. She always stayed up at nights just to think about the reasons why her ex boyfriend left her like it never meant anything. Elina felt like she needed someone to love and to be loved. 

She started to stalk the guy on twitter and he sounded really smart. As the top student, she was into smart guys with a little attitude. She sat on the couch and fell asleep as she was fatigued.

When she woke up from my little cat nap, to her surprise, she saw a notification from the guy she just followed!

"Hey! I'd like for us to be friends since your tweets seem insightful and I'd love to start to get to know people who share the same point of view."

Elina mumbled to herself, "Oh well, I guess my dumb Tweets are insightful now."

She replied, "Oh hey! I don't mind being friends. What's your name? I'm Elina."

"I'm Calum," he responded. 

She continued the conversation, "Well since you're interested in being friends, do you want to hang out on Discord later on?"

"Yeah sure! Send me your Discord ID."

She gave her Discord ID and they planned to hang out together on Elina's server later at night. 

That night, they both joined the voice channel and started talking.

"So, do you like horror movies?" Calum asked.

"I prefer watching it with other people but to answer your question, yes. Anyway, what's your favourite movie?"

"Definitely 500 Days of Summer," Calum responded.

"Wanna watch one?"

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" Elina questioned.

"Do you wanna watch Sinister?" Calum suggested.

"Yeah, I haven't watched that one. It sounds pretty sinister," Elina giggled.

Elina was so focused onto the movie until she received a message from Calum. She was confused. Why would Calum send her a text?

She was flustered when she saw the message.

"You look pretty adorable when you're scared."

"I can't even focus on the movie because I can't stop looking at you."

Elina held her breath and forced herself to not grin. Not even the slightest. She couldn't let Calum see her smiling at his flirty texts. 

Calum texted her again, "I think that you're a pixie manic dream girl."

Elina never heard of that term before and so she asked. When Calum explained the meaning to her, Elina's cheek turned warm and red.

Elina knew at that moment, she might fall for this guy she never met. They spent the night talking until dawn. Elina realized that she and Calum really clicked.

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