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Calum was worried about Elina. He bit his bottom lip, thinking if there was anything bad that happened to Elina. She didn't respond to his texts, nor his calls. While drowning in his worries, his phone vibrated, alerting him. He quickly checked his phone, hoping it was Elina.

It was Elina's father.

"Stop seeing my daughter and don't you ever contact her in any way."

At that very moment, Calum's heart skipped a beat. Elina's smile flashed in his mind while he wondered if his lover was okay. He didn't want to leave Elina. He didn't want that face to frown and cry. But he was just a teenager. Deep down, no matter how much he loved Elina, he had no choice but to listen. He was afraid. Afraid of what Elina's father might do to her and especially him. He didn't bother to care about her right now or call her up. So he sat alone in his room, trying to calm himself down.

"Elina... I'm sorry..but I'm scared. You do know that I would still love you no matter how far you are, right...?" Calum uttered to himself with tears welling up.

Elina came to school the next day for one thing and one thing only. The payphone. She took every change she had with her and rang up Calum's number.

"Please pick up..." Elina said as she desperately tapped her foot on the cold cement.


"It's Elina.."

"Elina! I was so worried about you. What happened? Is everything okay?"

Elina then explained everything that happened. 

"I'm sorry, Calum. Please don't leave me..."

"Whoa calm down, Elina. I never said anything about breaking up. You know I love you more than anything in this world right? But the thing is, your dad told me to not contact you ever again.. I'm sorry Elina, but I think I have no choice but to do what he told me to. I do love you and that'll never change. Even if we never talk again."

"Wait... Calum.. What do you mean...?"

"What I'm saying is, please don't reach out to me again. I won't be reaching out to you too. I'm afraid of what he'll do if he catches us contacting each other. I have loved you and I'll always do. I will reach out to you when we both turn 18. But if by then you have already found somebody new, I won't take it personally. I'm sorry that I can't be bold. I can't risk losing my scholarship. Please take care of yourself and know that I love you so much. Forever."

"Wait, Calum..."

Calum ended the call. He felt like shit. He won't be talking to Elina again. He hoped that Elina wouldn't actually wait. Elina deserved someone better. He couldn't spend another moment listening to Elina's voice calling his name. It hurt him deep.

Elena dropped to the ground and cried her out. She missed him so much already. She wanted to live the rest of her life with Calum. She hated her life. She was furious. She wanted Calum and she'd wait a million years.

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