Chapter 18: Light in the Dark

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~4 Days Later~

"Thank you for coming in today. We really appreciate you being here."

Abara leads me through the double glass doors. I follow him down a long stretch of hallway, turning into another as the soles of our shoes tap the tiled floors. As we walk, we pass several officers and what I assume to be TSC workers.

"No problem," I say. "I assume you called because you and Juuzou have an official update?"

He nods, "Of sorts. We'll discuss it when we get to the office."

I just inhale. In my ears, the blood is drumming, matching the fluttering of my heart. Could this be it? Could this be the day they tell me they know where Rui is? Can I...can I hope? Like, really, really hope?

"Right in here," Abara instructs, holding open a deep cherry wood door.

I make my way past him and move into the room. In it, all is rather plain and simple looking. Four white walls with a single potted plant in a corner. A tree of some kind, perhaps, and a large table with four basic chairs. Nothing fancy or extravagant.

"Please, take a seat," Abara says. "Squad leader Suzuya will be joining us soon. For now, can I interest you in any water or coffee? Maybe some tea?"

"Oh, uh, water, please."

"Very well. I'll be back shortly."

He leaves, closing the door behind himself. Still feeling my heart sputter, I slide into one of the chairs. Anxiety pumps through my veins as I fidget with my fingers. So much is swirling through my mind.

Have they found Rui? A lead, maybe? If so, where is she? Will they be going to get her soon?

So much... So much is rolling, each taking turns at rattling my brain. Honestly, I wish for nothing more than for them to tell me they know where Rui is. That would be a dream. However, I need to remain grounded. There is no saying what they're about to tell me. It might not even pertain to Rui, and I need to brace myself for that. In the end, bad or good, I need to prepare myself for whatever they are going to tell me. I have to be ready.

The door opens and I brace myself for Abara's voice when it is a different tone that catches my attention. A tone I have grown to know quite well. And one I have learned to find a sense of comfort in.

"Oh, you're already here. Well, hey," he says, the sound of his soles scuffing the floor. He appears in front of me, his hair messy and unruly – nothing new there. "Where's Hanbee?"

"Oh, he went to get me some water."

"Oh, okie dokie. I guess we'll wait on him."

He arranges himself across from me, humming as he does so. Much like many times before, he appears...unreadable. He might be humming, and his lips might be bowed into a small smile, but that doesn't mean he necessarily feels jolly. If I've come to learn anything about Juuzou, it's that he is unpredictable and that his emotions aren't always reflected on the surface.

Eventually, Abara arrives, and we get to the meeting, all the while my heart is in my throat. Anxiety consumes me, the anticipation buzzing through my veins. What will they say? What news do they have? What should I expect? Should I expect anything?

At first, they discuss how they interrogated the ghoul who they had apprehended at my apartment. According to Abara, that was proving fruitless. The ghoul gave nothing up, leading my heart to slip a little. Though, I can't say I really expected him to be cooperative. This further leaves me to wonder what they have to tell me. Is there really an update? Or am I just here to officially hear that they still have nothing?

"That all said," Abara says, "an anonymous informant has come forward with an interesting piece of information."

This catches my attention. "An anonymous informant?"

He nods. "That's correct."

My heart sputters. "Well? What did they say?"

It is Juuzou who speaks this time. "They gave us possible locations for illegal human trafficking auction houses." not what I expected to hear. Not completely. I figured Rui is being held somewhere but trafficked? Auctioned? As in, sold? For what purpose?

I swallow the disbelief and press, "Where?"

They exchange glances, then Abara answers, "There are three possible locations. All abandoned facilities of some kind – two former warehouses and one a former private airport."

Warehouses and an old airport. Okay. That's something. It could be worse. It could be far, far worse.

"Alright, what warehouses and airport?"

Abara opens his mouth as Juuzou narrows his eyes, cutting off his subordinate's response. "Do you really think we'd tell you that much?" He shifts. "Don't think we're stupid, Y/N. I know if we told you that, there's a chance you'd go there yourself."

I open my mouth to argue but stop. I could argue. I could. I could sit here, and act offended by his words, but I know better than that. I know myself far too well, and by the sounds of it, Juuzou can read me pretty well. Because in the end, he's right. If they gave me that information, I probably would find myself driving to one of those locations, searching for her. Digging and snooping in places I have no business being at.

Not without rousing suspicions.

Defeated, I sigh, "Fair...but can you at least tell me if she's still in H/P?"

Abara – with his features already soft – turns to Juuzou, searching as much as I am for a hint. Something. Anything.

Then, Juuzou inhales. "Yes. All three locations are in H/P, so Rui is still here. We just need to figure out which."

My heart leaps.

She is still here. She is somewhere in H/P – in one of those locations. She's here. And they're a step closer to bringing her home.

Abara goes on, continuing with how they plan to raid each location simultaneously, with him leading his own team, Juuzou leading another, and another high-ranking officer leading another unit, each stationed at one of the locations. Strategic, though I barely pay any mind. In the end, all I know is that Rui will be coming home.

And that's all I can focus on.

That's all that matters.

Before long, my little girl will be home, back in my arms. Before long...she'll be home.

**Hello, lovelies! Wow. Work and life made typing very difficult this week, so I apologize in advance for how eh this chapter was. That said, it seems Juuzou and Abara might be getting somewhere, which is giving Y/N hope. That's good, right? That said, any idea who this informant might be? Feel free to take a gander! Anyway, how are y'all doin'? I hope you're all doing well! If not, I hope things improve! As always, thank you oh, so flippin' much for everything! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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