Chapter 23: Waiting on Sunset

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The days come and go, rolling to term as a full week. Each day is spent relatively the same. In the hotel suite is where I stay, thinking...praying, really.

I've never been much for praying. Not seriously. If I did pray, it was half-hearted or over shallow things. But now...God, I'm praying as if I have a religion (if you are religious, I apologize for Y/N's outlook). I'm praying so damn hard, talking...begging God, or Jesus, or the Universe, or whoever...whatever is there to please, please bring Rui home. Safely. In one piece.

I'm praying. Morning, noon, and night. Quietly. Out loud. Crying. Smiling. Numbly. Desperately. So fucking desperately.

And I suppose the truth is that I'm trying to stay hopeful. To believe in Juuzou and Abara and the plan they have. In their teams. I know they're professionals. I know stuff like this is what they're trained to do. This is their job. Even more so, Juuzou is the highest-ranking officer at the TSC. And Abara is his righthand man. To have these two on the's practically a guarantee that she'll be home soon.

I know that.

At least, that's what I keep telling myself. Because – deep down – I still feel so uncertain. I feel unsure. And of course, I'd feel that way. Even with two extremely qualified officers on the scene, there are still so many uncertainties. To many.

Things could still happen. They could still go south real fast. Plans could fall through. Communication could drop. They could be overwhelmed. Anything. Anything could happen. And I know that.

And that's why I'm praying. That's why I'm sitting here, staring at my cell as I clutch Rui's favorite stuffed animal against my chest, white-knuckling it, chewing my lips. Praying. Praying so damn hard, the little voice in my head loud with pleading.

I know that by now they're acting. The three teams are most likely all in position, ready to raid each location. Commands thrown out. Men and women preparing to attack. I know that's what is most likely taking place.

And it scares me. It scares me so damn much. Not knowing what to expect... It makes it difficult to breathe. To think. To feel. To do anything. But that's why I'm here, praying.

Because I'm scared as hell. Because I'm so uncertain. Because I'm beside myself. Because I need to do something. Anything.

I inhale deeply, squeezing my eyes shut as I ready myself to utter another pleading prayer when a knock comes upon the door. Soft and gentle. A light knock, knock.

Of course, it startles me, setting me to alert. I jolt upright, jerking to look at the door. Dim shadows fight the fleeting light pouring in through the sliding glass door of my suite's balcony. My heart sputters as it leaps into my throat, the fear pumping through my veins. Then, a soft voice speaks.

"Y/N? Are you in there?"

Exhale. A breath of relief. I stand and make my way to the door; my knees still wobbling from the residual adrenaline and unlock the door. As it opens, my eyes wander up, meeting a very familiar set of icy irises.

And a warm smile.

"Clay," I say, "what are you doing here?"

That smile remains. "I wanted to see how you're doing. Tonight is the raid, isn't it?"

I fidget with my fingers. "Yeah, it is."

His expression melts into this gentle look, his eyes soft. "How are you doing? Are you alright?"

Good question. Am I okay? Yes? No? Maybe? Honestly, I don't know. I'm...I'm...

"I'm not sure," I confess. "If anything, I'd say I'm a bit of a mess."

"Understandable, all things considered. May I...come in?"

At first, I think about saying no. I consider it. For a moment. I almost go to tell him that. To go. That I'll be fine. That I don't want him to see me this way. But I only consider that for a moment. And instead, I say something else.

"Come on in."

**Hello, lovelies! Another day, another chapter. Granted, not the most exciting chapter, but it's something. That said, according to Y/N, the raid is set to be underway. What do you think will happen? Do you think they'll find the missing kids? What about who's behind all this? Feel free to guess, and stay tuned! So, I got a new crystal. After many months, I finally bought myself a nice piece of angel aura quartz. Y' is SOOO pretty. Like, wow. I love it. One of my favorite pieces. Anyway, thank y'all s much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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