Breakin' The Stanky Leg

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I have this little thing about living life to the fullest and I like sometimes taking the easy way through things to get what I want. You see, sometimes taking the easy way out is cheap and has its consequences, but we all know it has a great benefit to us in the long run. But not when you're caught doing it in public trying to show you're the top dog. I like to cheat time-to-time, wait let me restate that cheating constantly is the greatest thing ever. You get to evade death (sometimes), taxes, and hell even jury duty. But like I said once you're caught, it's not a fun ride.

So going back in time before I was forced into sitting on this uncomfortably "fun ride" I cheated every time a poker game had started. I bet you're thinking you should play fairly like the others because they did nothing to you. Not wrong, but once you are on this train it's too hard to get off unless someone drags you to the basement to beat you down. I never lost a game once (primarily because I'm a good cheater), but somehow they were able to catch me. My fiasco only started because a casino was hosting a little fancy poker game with a big token.

Maybe I should've been wiser and careful about going, but we all make mistakes in the heat of passion. As I was looking at that beautiful poster for the fancy nancy game, I couldn't help but sign myself to be the #1 cheater for Poker. Signing myself up had to be one of the greatest feelings in the world because it was like stealing hunks of cash from a bunch of suckers. It's technically their fault, they signed up to see their money swindled away from their petite pockets. But Writing this I should be a bit nicer, but hey I had a good time and a bit of karma.

The event was being held in this weird cultural place trying to "appreciate" all cultures around the world. I never understood culture because were all human beings and we don't need these stupid little things to show were a part of something special. But anyway I had to sit tight and hold in my excitement because the event wasn't even in another month, which is pretty stupid. During that period of waiting, I mostly either got drunk at one of my favorite bars 

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