Bitches Ended Up Trippin

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One of my bottles I collect for fun and I worried real quick about falling still. Why I have this very convenient set piece here is that I decided that it'd be fun to collect every brand of every liquor bottle and glue them to a wall for decoration.

Once I had a hold of the bottle, I let go. After all, I didn't want the bottle to fall off because I cheaply glued the bottle to the wall. I hit the floor and got up again and decided I should get going for once and for all. I got the keys and started heading towards the garage until I saw what monstrosity was in my love life abroad. My van which is trashy, but cheap was a wreck and I don't think I just went home last night, but that's okay because these cars I usually drive just in case I feel in a distrustful mood.

I opened the car door to the driver's seat and hopped in, and decided to look back to see if I did anything idiotic back there. Looking back there everything was tight as it should be because I have some of my valuables back there. Call me thoughtless, but I stashed my parent's ashes back there and I decided to put them both in a Jif jar. Being thankful wasn't something I felt, and I should've at least put them in maybe a pickle jar because I feel that's one up from a Jiff jar. But anyways I started the van and headed to Dinkley Baraboo. Such a stupid name and I find myself chuckling to myself whenever I think of it.

Putting the drive in a summary here's what I got to see, multiple dead carcasses of deer, saw a man mistakenly grab a police officer's taser and shot himself with it thinking it was his gun. From what I saw he killed something, not himself but his brain cells and his status. Everything was going fine until some puta almost crashed into me, and I was feeling a bit vengeful so I gave him the finger and he put his mind to it actually hit me. Let's say veins started popping out and to be an annoying prick I decided to honk my horn acting like one of those entitled cyclists that act like they own the road.

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