G.I Jane 3, the 2nd one Slipped over Jada's Head.

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A few hours later I still didn't know why I was so paranoid about this kid, but something kept wrenching in my stomach. After some drinks, I calmed myself again till I saw his face on the screen on one of the biggest news channels in our area. I couldn't wrap my head around what I was seeing. It was just brutal. They showed 2 people being brutally killed by getting their faces smashed in with bats and they even set them ablaze. It then showed the ugliest mug ever, that kid from a couple of weeks ago got away and somehow managed to escape authorities.

To be honest they should've just blurred out the kid's face because I wanted to gouge my eyes out. But back to the point, I had a little panic attack and had one of those what-if moments, like if I was his next target or how he would kill me. If I were to get killed or unexpectedly die, I would rather not die in his hands because who knows what things he did after hearing this. Reminding me of how I want to go out, I would really like to be old and crippled and loaded into those circus cannons and then be shot out of it violently hitting the wall.

After some daydreaming about how I want to go out in a way that could be considered assisted suicide. I decided to cheer myself by doing a good thing for everyone, keeping my mouth shut, and keeping on drinking. After some drinks, you start having one of those hypnic jerks, and dealing with this is a pain because you act like you're falling, which isn't fun. I decided to go back to my lovely abode and passed out in a deep slumber of my own desire.

Ringing in my ears is definitely a good sign you need to wake up immediately after maybe three-ish hours of sleep. Getting up is the hard part of skedaddling out of bed because for one, the bed is oddly comfortable when you wake up, two is trying to find a good reason to get up. In the past few months, I've looked at Facebook's so-called life-hacks that basically do nothing for me when I try to get myself up. Then you got those really stupid inspirational quotes 

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