J-Lo This Bitch

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Flixer's Treatment, and on the side spent my time playing poker, watching and betting on who was gonna get into a fight with each other.

One of those nights at Flixer's, someone struck me as odd, he was a penurious type of person betting his life away. I see people like this all the time, but he just got to me by his looks and smell. The dude looked like he was about to do some nasty things and god that face, his face was worse than someone who got acid-poor all over his face. He had more scars than an edgy 14-year old that cut itself because he or she was "depressed". But looking at him made me just feel generally bad and his eyes said it all. But what made me more sympathetic was that smell I could never say what it was, but it was a putrid smell.

Like always I won that game of poker, but the kid seemed like he was about to go on a mental breakdown and I didn't know what to do but leave. Leaving Flixer's made me feel a bit guilty, but I should've stuck to my motto by living to the fullest, but I couldn't deal with him. Whatever it was I felt I did the right thing by leaving the kid alone in the end. Ever since that night, I avoided Flixer's for a couple of weeks because I was afraid of seeing that kid again.

The night before going to the event I decided to man up and go back to Flixer's. I will admit I was on edge of seeing that kid again, but funny enough when I scanned the bar I was relieved. A little life trick I always use is to get rid of the ugliness that you feel needs to go, really helps me move on from stuff, in addition, some regrettable ideas were uglier than Willem Dafoe's wrinkles. Walking into the bar and scanning it gave me some suspicious looks and some greetings from the regulars I usually see, but I was calmer than ever.

After talking to some of the regulars and catching up on what has been happening I decided to sit on one of the stools at the bar and order something refreshing. Now maybe getting 

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