My throat

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I still cannot find the words to express what I have seen, felt and truly believed in and how it almost killed me. I want you to understand. This is why I write.

I took a chance on something that seemed too good to be true and it was.

I thought I could run away from the past and leave the baggage behind.

But when the nights were at their darkest and the days were at their coldest, it came back. My past caught up with me and grabbed me by my throat.

This time it was my fear of death that came for me. It reminded me of my mortality and made me feel weak inside.

It told me that it would never let go of its grip on my life again unless I did something drastic: become a new person altogether with no memories or regrets.

This hit me hard like a freight train running over my body at full speed while I laid face down on the ground as if I were dead already, waiting for this moment since birth because they didn't know what else to do with themselves but watch helplessly from afar without being able to help anyone at all but themselves in times like these....

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