Chapter 3

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Third P.O.V.

Brooklyn, Randall and Mike were sitting in class going over some notes. That's when the teacher walks in the middle of class and everyone turned to him.

"I would like to say that today is a test. All you have to do is finish a simulation. Under the watchful eye of myself and Dean Hardscrabble. So I wish you all the best of luck." The teacher said and starts alphabetical order.

Everyone either talked with their friends or watched others take the simulation. Brooklyn started talking with Mike and Randall.

"Are you ready to scare the poop out of everyone?" Mike asks.

"Uh duh." Brooklyn said

"Brooklyn Redwing." The teacher said and now everyone started paying attention.

She grabbed a the file from the teacher and looked through it. She ignored it because all she needed to do was scare the simulation kid.

She stands at the foot of the bed. Mike and Randall were excited for their friend. While every other monsters were patiently waiting to see.

That's when everyone heard the loudest and scariest roar they had ever heard. And Brooklyn broke the simulation.

"Sorry." Brooklyn told the teacher.

"It's all good Ms. Redwing. Your score will be shown outside the classroom tomorrow morning." The teacher said.

Brooklyn smile showing her sharp teeth. She walked past a monster that goes by the name, Johnny Worthington. Mike and Randall were already waiting for her. She sat down and watched each monster go. None of them were as good as her.

"Johnny Worthington." The teacher said and Brooklyn noticed a monster with a red sweatshirt with the words ROR.

But Brooklyn felt her phone buzzing. She looks at it to see her mother calling her. She sends her a text telling her that she's in class still. She missed Johnny's simulation which disappointed Johnny and his friends.

"Ready to go?" Mike asks his best friends.

"Yup." Brooklyn and Randall said together.

The three walked out of class as someone glared at Mike. That person was James P. Sullivan or Sully.

Brooklyn noticed and excused herself from her friends who got confused. Every monster watched her walk over to Sully who instantly grew nervous.

"If you ever glare at my best friend again. You'll be wishing your mama kept her legs closed. Or my father can make you disappear. Just like that." Brooklyn said while snapping her finger at the second to last sentence she said.

Brooklyn walked away and caught up to her friends.

"Did you really have to do that?" Mike asks.

"Yes, he was glaring at you. Also my family is coming in two days for family day. So you get to see my family again. And Randall gets to meet them for the first time. If that is if he's willing to." Brooklyn said and the two look at Randall.

"I would love to. But do I need to worry?" Randall asks.

"Not that much. It took my brothers three hours to actually like Mike. But be glad you are not my boyfriend. My brothers have done things to them that is okay." Brooklyn said.

"You've already told me." Randall said.

"Oh right I did. Whoops." Brooklyn said as they sat down by their tree.

The group studied for thirty minutes when a group of monsters with the same sweatshirts walked up to them.

"If you're here to criticize Mike and Randall. You've wasted your time." Brooklyn said from her spot against the tree not looking up.

"I'm not here to do that. I came here to say you did good today." The leader, Johnny said with a smirk.

"Thanks now goodbye." Brooklyn said.

"Maybe you should say it more nicely, Brook." Mike said.

"Listen to your little friend." Johnny said.

"I'm not sure if you realize. But I'm a Redwing and my family is powerful. My brothers have killed several boyfriends, put some in a coma and put another few were paralyzed. So if you're here to ask me on a date it won't work unless you want to end up like all my ex's. But since you're a Worthington I'll give you a shot. But don't blame me when my brothers come after you." Brooklyn said standing up and looking at Johnny.

"Cool, tomorrow night seven o'clock good for you?" Johnny asks.

"Sure. Now scram." Brooklyn said and Johnny does with his friends behind him.

"Did you just yes to a date?" Mike asks.

"Yeah. What about it?" Brooklyn asks.

"It's just after William I expected you to refuse." Mike said and Brooklyn looked back at the memory she had of William.

They had a good relationship but it ended up with Brooklyn being heartbroken after finding William was cheating on her with her best friend. He's in a coma now.

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