Chapter 4

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Third P.O.V.

It was family visiting day. Brooklyn was so excited. Her date with Johnny was good and they were going on another date soon. Brooklyn walked straight in Mike and Randall's room all excited.

"Get up! Time to get up! Our family is coming today!" Brooklyn exclaimed.

The two reluctantly got up and got ready as Brooklyn stood outside their door jumping up and down.

The group of three walked out of the dorms to see a lot of students hugging their parents. Brooklyn looked around for her parents and soon found them with her grandparents and siblings. She looked back at Mike and Randall.

"Mom! Dad!" Mike and Brooklyn hear and turn to see Randall running towards who the friends think are his parents.

"Mom! Dad!" Mike and Brooklyn hear and turn to see Randall running towards who the friends think are his parents

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Randall's parents hug him and held him close. Randall brings them over to his friends.

"Mom. Dad. These are my friends Mike Wazowski and Brooklyn Redwing." Randall said

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Randy and my wife Rachel." Randy said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." Mike said with a smile.

"Mike!" Another voice said and the small group turns to see Mike's grandparents.

"Mike!" Another voice said and the small group turns to see Mike's grandparents

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"Grandma! Grandpa!" Mike said and ran to his grandparents.

Once the trio got closer to each other Mike's grandpa brings him close and hugs him.

"Grandma Wazowski!" Brooklyn exclaimed and hugged the woman before hugging Grandpa Wazowski who let go of Mike.

"It's so good to see you dear." Grandma Wazowski said.

"Same here. But excuse me. I need to go to my parents. But I'll talk to you guys later." Brooklyn said before walking over to her family was stopped by Johnny.

"Brook!" Johnny calls and she walks over to Johnny.

"I want you to meet my parents." Johnny said.

Once the two walked over to Johnny parents. Brooklyn's family started watching.

 Brooklyn's family started watching

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(Not my drawing. This drawing goes to the original owner)

"Brooklyn this is my father Johnny Worthington II. My mother Jill. And my younger siblings Jesse and Jackie. Mom. Dad. This is my friend, Brooklyn Redwing." Johnny said.

"Nice to meet you. I've heard so many things about you guys." Brooklyn said with a smile.

"Good things I hope?" Jill asks.

"Of course. But excuse me. I must go say hi to my family. Nice meeting you." Brooklyn said and walked to her family.

"Brooklyn!!" Chance, Brooklyn's youngest brother exclaimed and ran to her.

She hugged her younger brother and soon was being dragged into a group hug by her family.

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