Chapter 2

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Third P.O.V.

"Geh, Papa. I've dein vok dii studies. Ahrk nid, Zu'u dreh ni lost onliin. Nunon guys Zu'u tinvaak wah los Mike ahrk Randall. Randall los Mike's roommate wo Zu'u los malbrii bek gunaar nau vomedaas kon. Waan Zu'u drey lost onliin, Sovut, Ful, Tiamat ahrk Viper fund krii mok." Brooklyn said as she talked to her dad on the phone.

(Translation- Yes, Papa. I've been keeping up my studies. And no, I don't have a boyfriend. The only guys I talk to are Mike and Randall. Randall is Mike's roommate who I'm pretty sure is crushing on a different girl. If I did have a boyfriend, Drago, Sol, Tiamat and Viper would kill him.)

"Nunon making bek, dii hes mal dovah. Ahrk hi los rinik do hin zeymah. Oo Zu'u Kent. Grind voth saak bosses. Hin monah ofan ek lokaal ahrk hin briinah ahrk ofan niist lokaal. Mu uld bo gun hi das. Lokaal hi dii mal Kaida." Bloodwing told his daughter.

(Translation- Just making sure, my sweet little dragon. And you are very right about your brothers. Oh I must get going. meeting with the big bosses. Your mother gives her love and your sisters also give their love. We might come visit you soon. Love you my little Kaida.)

The two hang up and several monsters were staring at her. She growls and they look away. She meets up with Mike and Randall who were sitting at a table that's outside.

"How was your call with your dad?" Mike asks.

"It was eventful. They are coming to visit soon when family days gets here." Brooklyn answered with a smile.

"I can't wait to see your family again." Mike said with a big smile.

"What is your family like?" Randall asks curiosity in his voice.

"Uh they can be intense most of the time. But they are the best. My mother, Violet she is the best cook I can ever think of. My father, Bloodwing can be the meanest to others but once you get to know him he's really nice. My sisters, Anastasia, Dalinda and Saphira they are the best. They, I'm not sure how to describe them. I mean when I have problems I can go to them. My brothers, Tiamat, Sol, Viper and Drago. They have killed almost all the boyfriends I had. But they are such big teddy bears well Drago that is. My grandparents, Quetzalcoatl and Khaleesi. They are wonderful. I can't describe them because they are that wonderful." Brooklyn said with a big smile.

"So you're saying that your brothers have killed almost all the boyfriends you had?" Randall asks.

"Not all of them. Three of them are in a coma, five of them can't walk and eight of them are paralyzed. The last ten are dead and six feet underground." Brooklyn said and Randall stares at her wide-eyed.

"I'm scared now." Randall exclaims.

"You don't need to. I told my father that you and I are only friends since I know you've been crushing on Valentina." Brooklyn said with a smile.

The group all look over at a group of monsters and right in middle of them was Valentina.

The group all look over at a group of monsters and right in middle of them was Valentina

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"Well I asked her out and she said yes. I just hope the date goes well." Randall said with a nervous look.

"Don't worry it will be. You just got to have faith." Brooklyn said before getting up and flying towards the lake.

It wasn't crowded so Brooklyn got some work done.

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