Chapter 1

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Third P.O.V.

Brooklyn and her best friend, Mike were heading to Mike's dorm since they already found Brooklyn's.

"Calm yourself. Whoever is roommate just make sure you aren't very awkward." Brooklyn said and Mike playfully glares at her.

"Oh haha." Mike said sarcastically and opens the door to see his roommate.

"Oh hi, I'm Randall Boggs. Your roommate." Randall said with a smile.

"Mike Wazowski. And this is my best friend Brooklyn Redwing." Mike said and Randall's eyes widened.

"Wait like Bloodwing Redwing?" Randall asks.

"Yeah, that's my dad." Brooklyn said.

"Your dad is a legend here." Randall said and that perked both monsters up.

"Really how?" Mike asks but since Brooklyn already knew the story she ignored it.

Once Randall finished the story Brooklyn walked over to the window and stared outside.

"Are you ready for classes tomorrow, Brook?" Mike asks.

"Yeah." Brooklyn said before saying goodnight to Mike and Randall.

She heads back to her dorm. She got a single dorm since she took most of the dorm room.

-Next Day-

Brooklyn got ready and flew to Mike and Randall's room. She heard talking and walked straight in to see both of them awake.

"Are you ready?" Brooklyn asks.

"Yup." The two responded and they headed to class.

They passed a statue not before petting the foot of it. They head to the front of the class.

The teacher introduces himself and starts the lesson. And everyone either listens or looks bored. That's when Dean Hardscrabble flew in scaring the students except Brooklyn. Which got a lot of monsters attentions including a certain group of monsters.

"Uh, Dean Hardscrabble. What uh are you uh doing here?" The teacher asks.

"I came to see the new faces. And I recognize one immediately. Bloodwing Redwing's daughter is here." Dean Hardscrabble said before she leaves.

-End of class-

Brooklyn, Randall and Mike sit under a tree. The boys talked the entire time as Brooklyn stands up and stretches her wings which is the wingspan of fifty feet.

Everyone watched in fascination. But looked away when they saw a glare on a certain person's face.

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