Chapter 7

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Third P.O.V.

"So your family is intense." Johnny said the very next day as he and Brooklyn walked hand in hand around campus.

All of the students parents have left and went back home.

"They can be. But you haven't meet my entire family yet. You just need to meet Thuella and Larek." Brooklyn answered.

"Who are they?" Johnny asks as they sit down a bench waiting for the rest of the ROR members.

"Family bodyguards. Even though they act cold they are big teddy bears. But you also have to meet the family pets. If they think you are good enough. That means you have passed the test. And you are able to marry me. And the reason I say this is because your family is coming over to mine on Christmas Day. So you'll be meeting them soon." Brooklyn explained.

"Great. I fear I might die. Let me just plan my funeral ahead of time." Johnny said.

"You'll be fine. The only actual boyfriend of mine they did like was named, Caleb Reeves. He's actually the only one that's not injured. But we broke up on good terms. He wanted to travel the world and I wanted to go to to college." Brooklyn explained.

" Brooklyn explained

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^Caleb Reeves^

That's when the other members showed up. They had a ROR jacket that used to belong to Sully. But since he upset the girl that they all actually liked either as a sister or friend. They kicked him out of the group.

"Why does Johnny look like he was told bad and or good new at the same time?" Reggie asks.

"I told he's meeting the rest of my family on Christmas Day. But really he's meeting my family's bodyguards and family pets." Brooklyn explained before checking the time.

"I've gotta go. I got a class to get to. But I'll catch up with you guys later." Brooklyn said before flying towards the building to get to her next class.

She sits at the back of the classroom and soon someone sits next to her. She looks to see Sully. She glares at him and he glares back.

But stopped when the teacher walked in. Sully didn't listen to the teacher just glared at Brooklyn who ignored him. But soon Brooklyn had enough and raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Redwing?" The teacher asks looking at the girl.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Professor Gold. But can you get James Sullivan to move? He keeps glaring at me and it's making me uncomfortable." Brooklyn said.

"Ah of course. Mr Sullivan. Sit over there furthest from Miss Redwing." Professor Gold said and pointed to the other side of the room.

Sully slowly gets up and before he walks away he yanks at Brooklyn's hair and smacks her across her face. Everyone watched shocked. Professor Gold asked one of the students to go get Dean Hardscrabble. Professor Gold walked over and tried to separate Sully from Brooklyn.

 Professor Gold walked over and tried to separate Sully from Brooklyn

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^Professor Gold(pretend she looks a bit older)^

That's when Dean Hardscrabble walked in and it went quiet.

"Mr Sullivan my office now!!" Dean Hardscrabble yelled and Sully walked out to head to her office.

But before she left the classroom she looked at her niece who was bruised all over her face. She instructed one of the students to help carry her to the nurse's office.

One of the male students carried her as a female student went with him. A lot of people saw the three but they went wide-eyed when they saw who was in the male students arms.

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