Chapter 9

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Third P.O.V.

Johnny and his family just arrived at the Redwing home. And let's just say their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

 And let's just say their eyes almost popped out of their heads

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"Welcome to Redwing Mansion." Thuella said appearing in front of the family.

"Wait are you Thuella one of the family bodyguards?" Johnny asks.

"Yes." Thuella said and lead the family inside.

"Oh my goodness, Jill you look amazing!!" Violet exclaimed as she noticed the Worthington family walked in.

Brooklyn walked in and kissed Johnny's cheek.

"You got to come meet the family pets. We'll see you later." Brooklyn said and dragged Johnny to the backyard where the family pets were at.

"Longfang!!" Johnny calls and Longfang ran over to him.

"Leave Longfang alone for just a minute. You've still got to meet the rest of them." Brooklyn said and Johnny nods as Longfang is called inside the house.

"Overbite!! Come here boy!" Brooklyn calls a big lion with wings and spikes along it's back comes over.

"Overbite this is Johnny my boyfriend." Brooklyn told her pet.

Overbite looks Johnny up and down and sniffs him like Longfang did. He soon bows to Johnny.

"Uh, what does that mean?" Johnny asks.

"It's his way of saying, 'welcome to the family'. And if the others do it too it means welcome to the family." Brooklyn explained and Johnny pets his snout.

Overbite let's out a purr and leaned his head against his hand.

"Okay, Overbite it's time for Johnny to meet everyone else." Brooklyn said and Overbite nods before flying back to his cave.

" Brooklyn said and Overbite nods before flying back to his cave

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