Chapter 6

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Third P.O.V.

Everyone who was nearby went wide-eyed. They all took Mike's advice And backed away.

"How the hell do you calm her down?!" Johnny yells to Mike.

"It was her family that calmed her down last time. But if it comes to her friends. We don't know what calms her down for friends." Mike said.

"What do you mean last time!?" Chet exclaims.

"Well one of her ex best girl friend insulted her younger brother because he has a disability. And she turned into that. And it took her entire family, family pets and family bodyguards to calm her down." Mike explained and that's when they noticed Sully.

Brooklyn looked into his direction and smoke started coming out of her nose and mouth. She got into a stance to start running and Sully noticed.

"You might wanna run." Saphira told him as she appeared next to him.

"Why?" Sully asks the young girl.

That's when Brooklyn starts running towards Sully.

"That's why." Saphira said and pointed towards Brooklyn who was running full speed towards him.

Sully panicked and started running away and Brooklyn was right behind.

"You need to calm her down." The group bears and turns to see Brooklyn's family standing there.

"Who us?" The group says together.

"No, Johnny." Bloodwing answered and they all looked to Johnny.

"What!? Why me!?" Johnny exclaims.

"Because you are her soulmate my dear." Violet spoke up and everyone stared at him.

"Fine." Johnny said before running after Brooklyn.

-time skip-

It was over an hour when the two come back. Brooklyn was back to normal.

"Did you do some damage?" Drago asks.

"Heck yeah I did." Brooklyn said with a smirk.

"Yeah! That's my little sis!" Drago, Tiamat, Sol and Viper exclaimed together.

"Boys don't encourage your sister." Khaleesi told her grandsons.

"But grams. It's fun." Viper whined.

"List to your grandmother." Violet said in his calm voice which means to instantly follow directions.

"Yes mother." The boys say together before bowing their heads scared of punishment.

That's when Dean Hardscrabble walked over.

"I see you have said hello to your families." Dean Hardscrabble said.

"No don't do that sister." Bloodwing said and all the kids went wide-eyed.

"SISTER!! The Redwing siblings, Johnny, Mike, Randall and the members of ROR exclaimed together.

"Well yes. But she's my adopted sister. My parents adopted her into the family." Bloodwing explained to the children.

"So that means she's our aunt." Chance spoke up.

"Yes that's exactly what that means, Chance." Anastasia said.

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