Chapter 8

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Third P.O.V.

Bloodwing was sitting in his office when Violet ran in panicked.

"What's wrong my love?" Bloodwing asks.

"It's Brooklyn. She's in the hospital." Violet said and that alerted Bloodwing instantly.

"Were you told why?" He asks his wife as he grabbed his coat and Violet called for the children.

"James Sullivan was glaring. So Brooklyn told the professor who told Sullivan to go to the other side of the room. Before he walked to head to the other side. He yanked her hair and smacked her across the face. Then he started beating her." Violet said and didn't realize that the rest of the children heard.

"Can we kill him?" Drago said once they got closer to their parents.

"No, but we can sue him." Bloodwing said as they got into their car.

Thuella and Larek were in the car behind them. They got to the hospital and Bloodwing told the receptionist that his daughter was brought here.

"Oh of course. Alma Hardscrabble is already up there saying she was the aunt." The receptionist said and a doctor lead them to a room where Brooklyn was.

Thuella and Larek stayed outside the room guarding it. Johnny was sitting next to the bed holding her hand. Once the brothers see the damaged that Sully did they left the room before anyone else could do anything.

"How are you feeling dear?" Violet asks her daughter.

"I'll be okay, mama." Brooklyn said still very weak.

Violet just kisses her daughters head.

"I'm so glad. Your grandparents will be here soon." Bloodwing said.

"You told them!?" Brooklyn exclaimed.

"I'm assuming that's a bad thing?" Johnny asks confused.

"Yes, it is! They would either kill Sullivan or sue his parents. But I'm hoping it's neither." Brooklyn said before they all heard a familiar voice.

"Where's my grandbaby!?!?" Khaleesi exclaimed and soon walked in with a relieved face.

"Oo dii pahdul. Los hi ahraan? Rok didn't ahraan hi told badly drey rok? Waan rok drey Zu'u los gonna krii mok. Dreh hi praag naan? Donin? Grind do ragnavir Rez?" Khaleesi asks.

(Oh my baby. Are you hurt? He didn't hurt you that badly did he? If he did I'm gonna kill him. Do you need anything? Blankets? One of the family pets?)

"No grandma. I'm fine. But I would love, Longfang." Brooklyn answered.

And Khaleesi snapped her fingers. Longfang sat at the edge of the bed. He crawled right next to Brooklyn growling at Johnny who backed away.

"Longfang! This is my boyfriend, Johnny. Johnny this is one of the family pets." Brooklyn said and Longfang bowed his head towards Johnny after sniffing him to see if he was evil.

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