Chapter 10

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Author's Note: hey everyone sorry I haven't been updating in a while. The reason is because I've been so busy with school since it's coming to an end. I just had a dance/prom two days ago. A few family problems. But I'll try to update more often. So onto the chapter.

-Time skip(Johnny and Brooklyn are both 21 years old)-

It's been several years since what had happened. Johnny, Brooklyn, Mike and Randy have graduated from Monster University. Johnny had proposed to Brooklyn who obviously said yes. Now was the time for their wedding.

"Oh I'm so nervous. What if he realizes that I'm not good enough!? What if he says no!? What if he-" Brooklyn starts but is cut off by her mother and Jill.

"Honey you need to calm. He's obviously in love you. He's not going to do any of those things." Violet told her daughter who calmed down a little.

" Violet told her daughter who calmed down a little

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(Brooklyn's wedding dress)

That's when Bloodwing walked in. And he stared at his daughter in awe.

"Never in a million years did I ever think one of my daughter's boyfriends would last this long and propose to my baby girl." Bloodwing said.

"You thought the same about Caleb." Violet told her husband who nodded.

"It's time." Anastasia said with a big smile.

Everyone left the room except Brooklyn and Bloodwing. Once they did the countdown the two walk. They hear 'Here comes the bride's song. They soon see all the guests who were all standing. They all stared at her awe.

"Who's hands her over?" The priest asks.

"I do." Bloodwing said before Johnny holds his hand out for Brooklyn.

Brooklyn grabbed it as Bloodwing went to his seat next to Violet.

"You may be seated." The priest said and everyone sits. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union between two very special people. Brooklyn Redwing and Johnny Worthington. Before we begin does anyone have any objections?"

No one said anything so that meant the priest could continue.

"Today is a day where we celebrate two people about to wed and soon become one. Now I believe they have their vows written. Johnny." The priest said and Johnny smiles.

"Brooklyn Redwing, when I first saw you. I was like wow she's cute. And I wanted to get to know you but never got the chance. When I talked to you told me that your brothers were very overprotective-" Johnny said.

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