Chapter 5

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Third P.O.V.

"I've missed you guys so much." Brooklyn said with a big smile.

"We've missed you too dear. Now where's Mike?" Violet asks her daughter.

"And Randall. I've been wanting to meet this young man who became another friend of my daughter." Bloodwing added.

"He's reuniting with his family at the moment. And he's showing them around. So you'll meet him later." Brooklyn said.

"Little sis! It's good to see you!" Drago voice boomed and hugged his sister.

"It's good to see you too D." Brooklyn said trying to get out of her oldest brothers arms.

"Let go of poor Brook. Can't you see she can't breathe?" Anastasia spoke up.

Drago let's Brooklyn down before she's engulfed by her sisters Dalinda, Anastasia and Saphira.

"It's good to see you sis." Dalinda told her sister.

"Same." Brooklyn said before she noticed Johnny walking over with his family behind him.

Bloodwing noticed and recognized the older man.

"Johnny Worthington II. It's good to see you my friend. And Jill lovely to see you again." Bloodwing said and shook his friends hand.

"Bloodwing. And this must be your lovely wife, Violet. And your children." Johnny II said with a smile.

(Just to clarify Johnny the love interest is going to be called Johnny and his father is going to be called Johnny II)

Johnny walked over next to Brooklyn who had a look of confusion on her face.

"Did you know our fathers were friends?" Brooklyn asked.

"No, I'm pretty much as confused as you are." Johnny answered.

"Okay thought so." Brooklyn said ignoring the glares her brothers are giving to Johnny.

"Your brothers are glaring at me." Johnny whispered.

"I know. Drago, Tiamat, Sol and Viper!! Stop glaring at Johnny. Plus he's actually better than those other boyfriends I've had." Brooklyn told her brothers.

"Are you saying your dating Johnny?" Dalinda asks.

"Yes. Yes I am." Brooklyn said.

"Oh finally my baby is dating." Violet squealed happily.

"Listen to me well son. Break her heart and my grandsons will break your neck." Quetzalcoatl said and Johnny nods.

"Don't worry that means he likes you." Brooklyn said with a smile.

"He just threatened to have your brothers to break my neck." Johnny said with a squeak in his voice.

"You'll be fine." Brooklyn said with a smile as they watched their fathers talk and their mothers chat happily like very old friends.

"Johnny!" Chet's voice is heard and the two turn to see Chet and the other members of ROR.

"What's wrong?" Johnny asks.

"It's Sullivan." Javier said.

"What's he done?" Johnny asks already annoyed by the monster.

"It's not what he's done but what he did." Reggie spoke.

"What did he do?" Johnny asks.

"Uh follow us and we can show you." Chip said and the two follow the members.

They stop at a tree and look up. When Brooklyn sees who's in the tree she was angered. Stuck up in the tree were her friends Randall and Mike.

She flew up got them down and made sure they were okay before she glares at the ground.

"We should back up." Mike warned the group.

"Why?" They all ask.

That's when Brooklyn turned into her true form.

That's when Brooklyn turned into her true form

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Brooklyn's true form

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