The beginning of The End.

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He cast her out again, choosing once more to believe other people instead of her, all those words of love and honor, all those promises made by a husband to his wife,  all those vows should have meant something but it meant nothing, he would never change, he would stand with her when times were good but when things were bad he left her hand, that was not Love, it was not a marriage and finally she saw it, she had put up with alot, her husband's mistress and her fake pregnancy, his revenge marriage to her, his sisters multiple attempts to murder her, to prove her character less, she had sacrificed time and time again, she gave her sisters life to this so called marriage, but it was enough, she would give no more, she would take back her self respect. It was time, her time to think of herself and the light she now carried. She would rise and never look back....

Chapter one:

It had been nearly 4 years since the day her husband had blamed her for the death of his grandmother and kicked her out of his house and his life, she was 2 months pregnant and all alone but she would not give up.

Pragya went home to her mum and sisters but she knew that she would not be at peace there, somehow his sister and girlfriend would make her life miserable she had to get away, after explaining to her family and promising to keep in touch Pragya Arora said goodbye to her family and to India to start a new life.

She woke up to the ringing of her phone, sleepily she connected the call and put it to her ear, the sound of sobbing instantly woke her up,

Pragya: " Pari, what's wrong, tell me baby".

Pari:" Di, I need you,I'm on an isolated road, I can't go back home, It would bring shame to Mama, I have nowhere else."

Pragya : " Pari listen to me, nearby is the temple we used to meet at, Go there , I will send someone to fetch you".

Pari:" You are in India".

Pragya:" Long story, just wait for me."

She disconnected the call and dialed another number.

Prag:" Have you reached the airport" ( the caller responded), I'm fetching you, I will be there with the driver".

Pragya dressed in a hurry and ran out to the car, instructing the driver they left to the airport.

As soon as the car Parked the door opened and a handsome young man got in.

Man: " Wow so anxiously waiting to see me, I'm so excited".

Prag: " Oh AJ don't let it get to your head, Pari called she's in trouble we need to get to her.

Man: " What do you mean, what happened"

Prag: " I don't have all the details, we will both know shortly".

The car pulled up to a temple and Pragya rushed up the stairs to find her sister on her knees in tears, it broke her heart to see her this way, she rushed over and held her tightly whispering comforting words in her ears. Telling her it would be okay. Aj approached them and picked the two of them up and guided them to the car, they got in, Pari holding onto Pragya as though her life depends on it, no one asked any questions. There would be time enough for that later.

They drove in silence,it was not an uncomfortable silence rather one that left everyone to their own thoughts, then finally  they reached a mansion.

It was a beautiful mansion, they exited the car and went inside,

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It was a beautiful mansion, they exited the car and went inside,

Prag: " AJ, I will just take Pari to get her changed, we will meet In the den in a bit."

AJ nodded and Pragya left with Pari.

The 2 ladies walked into a modernly designed bedroom.

Pragya gave Pari a night suit, Prag: " here you go have a shower and change into this, you will feel better"

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Pragya gave Pari a night suit, Prag: " here you go have a shower and change into this, you will feel better".

Pari left and Pragya sat on the couch and wondered what had happened to her sister. She was dressed in a bridal lengha, silently she prayed that the start of her sisters married life was not going to be a repeat of her own.

The bathroom door opened and her younger sister walked out, she looked better but there was pain in her eyes, a pain she recognized all too well.

Pragya: " Come let's go AJ is waiting for us"

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Pragya: " Come let's go AJ is waiting for us".

They went to the den and AJ had already order some tea and snacks for them, he stood up as they walked in a look of worry In his eyes.

Preeta: " Jiju, I'm sorry I didn't even greet you properly when you fetched me". She walked over and hugged her Jiju, who returned the hug affectionately.

AJ: " No worries my Pari, now tell me whose bones do I need to break".

Preetas face turned worried, she knew that her brother In law was a sweet guy but he was also very protective of their family, and no one dared cross him.

Pragya: " Stop it Ajju, don't scare her, Pari baby, you don't worry, just tell us what happened".

Preeta sat down and began to explain about the Luthras and how she had helped them and how they blamed her and threw her out and called her names, how Karan changed places on the mandap and then left her on the roadside. As Pragya listened she remembered her own marriage and how she was hurt in  much the same way but she would not allow her sister to be as weak as she was over and over, she would give her strength from the onset.

When Preeta finished her story, she looked at her Di, their was a look of pain on her face but also of determination, maybe Preeta was unsure of many things but she was certain that she had done the right thing when she called her Sister.

Pragya: " First thing we are going to do is call Ma and Shri and tell them what happened, then we are filing for an annulment on this scam of a marriage. Don't give me that look, Pari you are my baby sister and there is no way I am allowing you to face the same pain I did. "

AJ looked at his wife and understood, she had waited to long, gave too much and she was right they could not allow their Pari to face the same situation.

End of chapter.

I know that there are many questions they will be amswered soon... Happy reading

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