What it feels like

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Rishta, Shrishmeer, Prajun and Dishrub and the Arora elders and Daasi all sat at the breakfast table

There was lots of love and laughter, which made others who watched them burn in jealousy.

Arjun: " Haan Baby, remember today is that party we hosting."

Pragya: " Haan baba, sab ready hain, it will be a party everyone will remember".

In the meantime Abhi was thinking how to get Fuggy alone, he had to make her remember their love, he was sure that there was some reason she was with this Arjun, blackmail maybe.

That evening the house was decorated and beautiful, everyone was very impressed by this.

As the guests were arriving. Our star couple were greeting them looking stunning

They welcomed Raman and Ishu and the four of them smirked as they watched the Mehras in maids uniforms serving drinks

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They welcomed Raman and Ishu and the four of them smirked as they watched the Mehras in maids uniforms serving drinks.

At the party was also Tanus parents. They had disowned her as Tanus father had seen his daughters evil ways and so he cut her off.

Tanu who had seen her mum and Dad got excited cos here was a chance to manipulate her parents into accepting her again.

She slowly made her way to them.

Tanu: " Dad, Mum".

Tparents: " Excuse me, who the hell are you ".

Tanu:" I'm your Daughter tanu, like you don't know".

Tparents: " we had 1 daughter and she's dead, now please excuse us".

Pragya: "Tch,Tch, so sad na, when your own family disown you, lekin tum tho aisa karoge na, that's what you did with me trying to turn my family against me, that I'm character less,  and now, Anyway leave that, there are guests with out drinks serve them".

Tanu glared at Pragya and went away. Aaliya who was listening looked at Pragya angrily. So much attitude from this Bhenji.

She went towards Pragya with the intention of spilling drinks on her to embarass her, someone else who notice her pushed a trolley so it hit Aaliya and she fell with all the drinks landing on her.

Guest1: " Yeh tho Aaliya Mehra na, attitude Wala, I'm the rockstars sister".

G2: " Haan, lekin ab woh servants ka lyk nai".

G3:" So Ms Mehra, how does it feel to not have any class at all,  but then you always had no class.".

G1: " Haan , I mean she never made anything of her self she just rode her Bhais success".

G2: " And now, you are here, so wait Where's your side kick, must be here too."

G3: " Oh there she is Super model, can't even carry a tea tray straight "

People were gossiping and laughing about them. They were now on the other end of the stick, they spent their lives looking down on others , treating people like dirt because they had money, they never understood that kindness,empathy, love and respect were important because those things remain even when money does not.

Preeta: " Mrs Sharma , we must not allow our position of wealth and  power to make us forget basic manners, Ms Mehra is working, lets leave her to it."

Preeta and Disha managed to successfully break up the group and move the party along.

In the meantime Abhi was watching Pragya closely waiting for his opportunity to get her alone, finally he noticed her going towards the study area he followed her down the passage when he saw there was no one around he grabbed her hand pulling her to him and then trapping her between the wall and himself.

Pragya:" What the hell do you think you are doing".

Abhi:" Fuggy , I know you are mad at me, but still I know you love me , so you can stop this act and charade of marriage" he reached up to tuck her behind her ear when he was wrenched away and he felt a hand collide with his jaw.

He looked to see Purab his eyes blazing with fire, abhi was stunned.

Purab: " What kind of behavior is this how dare you misbehave with my sister, who the hell gave you the right to be anywhere near her and to dare to touch her".

Abhi: " Purab, what's wrong with you, I'm your best friend and right, she Is my wife ".

Purab: " Best friend, thats a joke, all I ever was to you was a puppet who you came to when you needed help to fix the messes you and your family made, you think you are entitled, that you can do what you please. As for wife, let me remind you Mr Abhishek Prem Mehra, you yourself threw her out and gave her divorce papers, and let me tell you what's wrong with me, I am standing by my sister, Bhai Hu main, the same way you supported your sister when she was wrong, I am protecting my sister from evil. Leave now before I do something wrong ".

Purab turned Pragya " Di, are you okay, come let's go ".

He ushered her away from a shocked Abhi, trying to absorb what had just happened.

He went back to the party, the guests had all left, he found Raman Bhalla and his wife, Rishta, shrishmeer, disbrub, prajun and the elders as well as his sister and Tanu.

Everyone glared at him angrily.

Sarla: " Why do you constantly come back into my child's life, when she's happy , you, your sister and girlfriend made he life miserable, why the hell can't you just let her be" .

Arjun: " MA calm down,  Main hu na, I will take care".

Arjun: " Look Abhi, I took pity on your family and their situation, by giving you all a job here,  so what is happening".

Aaliya: " Oh so your wife didn't tell you that she's married to my brother or that she killed our grandmother "..

Arjun" Kya, he said looking shocked ".

Then he said: " You wanted this reaction right, sorry to disappoint you Aaliya, I know everything perhaps things even your brother doesn't know".

Aaliya looked worried. But covered it quickly saying " You know nothing ".

Arjun smirked:" Really, so tell me Aaliya when Disha Khanna was pregnant who laced her food with abortion pills then deliberately put oil in the bath area so she could have".

Abhi : " What, are you mad, Aaliya won't do this".

Shristi: " You are the blindest fool in the world, you can never see what right in front of you, why are we even tolerating this Aaliya and this bitch Tanu in this house anyway, my sisters murderers".

Abhi: " Shristi, Aaliya didn't kill Bulbul."

Preeta:" Really because we have eye witnesses and reports that say different,  did you know Mr Mehra that my sister survived that fall".

There was pin drop silence.

Preeta: " She was taken to the hospital afterwards".

Everyone was shocked and Aaliya was sweating...

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