Newly Wedded Bliss

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Rishabh Luthra woke as the sunrays shone on his face, there was a comforting weight on his chest that was unfamiliar he looked down and saw his beautiful wife fast asleep making cute faces as the sun danced on her  eyes, he smiled as he saw her waken she looked up at him blushing.

Preeta: " You awake, why didn't you wake me too".

Rish: " I only just woke up and you looked so adorable asleep I didn't have the heart".

She blushed again.

Preeta: " I will go bath and change ".

Rishabh" I have a better idea".

She looked at him confused as he got out of bed and picked her up carrying her to the bathroom.

Rish :" bathroom romance it will save time"

And the two of them got busy in their romance.

Meanwhile at the Prajun mansion, everyone was preparing to welcome the newly weds back home and planning the reception party which would take place that Night.

Much to Pragyas dismay, the Luthra grandmother had called and said that the rest of the Luthra household would also be in attendance, according to her they wanted to be apart of her oldest grandchilds happiness, but it increased the worry for Pragya as that would mean Karan would also attend, oh well there wasn't much that could be done with that regard.

At the Luthras, Karan was making his own plans he knew that Preeta did not love Rishabh so he just had to play his game and he would do that by making Preeta jealous. With this thought he decided that he needed to be at that mansion as early as possible.

After a very lengthy shower of exploration Rish and Preeta had breakfast and set off to their home.

The doorbell rang. Purab opened the door to find Karan Luthra standing there with his grandmother, aunt amd cousin sister as well as Mahira.

As dismayed as he was too see them he invited them in.

Sarla: Morning Biji, Kareena, how are you ?

Bani: " We are okay Sarla Beta, we thought we would come early and help with the preparation'.

Arora Dadi: " Ah bilkul, Aye Behnji , we can have some tea".

Meanwhile Kareena looked around as yesterday with all the wedding drama she didn't get a chance to do, she was shocked at the splendor of the house, she had seen the outside and the mansion was huge.

She didn't understand by all this it meant that Pragya was telling the truth the Aroras were wealthy then what about the article that Mahira had shown her. She was confused.

While the elders were all talking Pragyas phone dinged. It was Rishabh informing her that they were almost home.

Pragya: " We must get ready they are almost here. "

Rakhi jumped up to get the prayer tray and all the needs to welcome her daughter in law.

Bani looked at her daughter in laws happy face, she was really happy that Rishabh had married Preeta, her heart knew that Preeta was a good girl but the poison her daughter fed her always clouded her judgment.

The doorbell rang and Rakhi insisted on opening the door. Karan looked at his mother's excitement and apart of him was disappointed that he had robbed his mother and his wife of this joy.

Rakhi excitedly opened the door to find her Handsome son and Blushing new Bahu, she layed out the things for the ritual and turned the tray blessing them wholeheartedly the newly weds entered the house.

They took all the elders blessings then stepped to Prajun, and bent to take their blessings too

Pragya: Hey what are you doing .

Rishabh: " We call you Di right,  big sister,  you always fo everything that is best for us, so bless us".

The two of them hugged then emotionally. Karan who was standing not far from them noticed A red mark on preetas neck as she moved , it wasn't noticed when covered by her hair but he saw it now and clenched his fist, but calmed as he knew his plan.

He also stepped up and congratulated them which

confused them a bit but they smiled and thanked him anyway.

They spent some time teasing and talking to each other before it was time for them to get ready for the reception party.

** Short update.

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