Who is Pragya Arora Arjun Kapoor

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Mehra mansion:

Purab walked into the mansion with a very dazed and distraught Abhi, everyone turned to them,

Aaliya: Purab, what happened to Bhai, why does he look that way, and where did you 2 go without informing me.

Disha looked annoyed at this woman who constantly behaved as though she was her husband's wife instead of her, what bothered her more is her husband who had this blinding loyalty to the Mehra siblings, she was well aware that the troubles in her marriage were due to these siblings, she actually wished she had left with her Pragya di, instead of remaining here with these people who were selfish and spineless, but she had looked everywhere and by the time she went to Sarlama, her Di had been gone having lost all hope she went back to the Mehra Mansion, though over the last 4 years she has many times regretted her decision and she chosen not to return perhaps her child would have been saved, with this thought she looked back to the two guys who had returned.

Purab: " to the police station, didn't anyone tell you that they have new evidence in Daadis murder, they were taking statements ".

Aaliya: " What, why didn't you take me along, she was my Daadi too".

Abhi: " Really? Was she because you certainly didn't act like it, you constantly went against her wishes,defied her choices"

Everyone in the room remained silent even though they were shocked. The relationship between these siblings was not a good one but Abhi never openly stood up to his younger sister or pointed out her shortfalls.

To diffuse the situation, Purab took Abhi to his room.
Tanu was anxious to know what had happened at the police station and what Simonika had said, she should have shot her 4 years ago, then she wouldn't have this problem, she had to get in contact with Nikhil, he was a fool blinded by his love for her, she was certain he would help her but lost in their thoughts, Tanu and Aaliya had no idea that this time there would be no one who could save them, that every door they went to would remain closed, closed from the devil they themselves created.

In a skyscraper building, a man watched through glass doors a woman presiding over a board meeting, she oozed and aura of power, every eye was on her, every ear listening to what she said, some in fear, some in respect because this woman was both an Angel and a Demon, she would love those close to her like an angel and protect them with the fierceness of a demon, destroying and showing no evil.

Arjun Kapoor was a practical and realistic man, when his childhood best friend called him and said she was ready to join their business, he had heard in her voice the change in her and when she finally reached Austrailia, he saw a glimpse of the sweet little girl he loved but also the fierce woman she was turning into.
She ruled the business world with an iron fist, she had grown their company to a worldwide brand, they had made investments in every thing from farming to oil to health care, what had started as simple financial business and had grown stealthily since he left India she had turned into an overnight conglomerate, she was sharp witted and saw things long before they happened. At times he was amazed.


When Arjun arrived at the airport he expected to find his bespectacled best friend with her traditional suits and glowing face, what he had found was a woman in a sari, who looked shattered but her eyes told a different story, it had a fire in them.

Arjun and Pragya grew up as neighbour's, they were more than best friends, more like two halves of a whole, they did everything together including going to college, Arjun had always loved her but he had nothing to offer her, during their college days, the 5 of them

Raman, Rishabh,Ishitha, Pragya and Arjun were inseparable, the had ideas for the future, Raman and Rishabh came from wealthy families so they knew what their future held, the other 3 did not, during college Pragya worked and studied so she could send money home but she also saved, over a duration she had saved enough to become the majority capital donator to Arjuns business venture, and she supported all his dreams but Pragya only saw him as her best friend, Arjun knew this so he went to Australia to grow their business, he had returned after 2 years only to know that his best friend had married on her mother's wish, he prayed for happiness and left again but he didn't forget that she was the majority owner in their company knowing that she didn't need the money he put her profits into an account every month. Years later when he received her call she herself was a millionaire though she didn't even know it.

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