The lady of the House

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The next morning the Mehras were at work on time knowing that their jobs and livelihood was at stake if they took any chances. 

Raj was shown the grounds and what he would need to do, not only did he have to make sure all the flower beds were carefully maintained but also he needed to make sure all the paths were clean and the pool to be kept a glimmering blue at all times. So by 9am he was covered in soil and complaining about his life to the air.

In the meantime 6 luxury vehicles pulled up the driveway to the door of the mansion.

The occupants got out and walked to the door, Raj strained his head so he could see the new comers but all he could see were their backs. He went back to his work, curious about the people who had arrived.

Meanwhile the occupants of the vehicle were all glad to be back home, they rushed into the house,  as Pragya walked in, Aaliya and Tanu were busy wiping the floor, so they were at her feet.

Tanu: " Oh God can't you see now all the work is undone".

She said this without looking up.

Arjun : " Excuse you , remember your place and role in this house, how dare you raise your voice at the owner of this house".

Aaliya and Tanu curiously stood up and looked at the woman in front of them, their eyes widened in shock because right there in front of them was the very woman whose life they had made hell.

Aaliya was the first to recover: " Kya, what a joke this middle class Behnji the owner of this house"

Tanu: " Haan, like seriously".

Arjun: " Excuse me but I think you 2 don't really need this job and don't you dare speak to that way, show some respect to the woman who is your boss".

Aaliya and Tanu turned quiet while the Arora sisters smirked.

Arjun: " Come Baby, Sarla ma, my lovely sisters"

And they all traipsed into the living area leaving the floor dirty and the new servants had to start wiping again.

Deepak :  " You 2 stop standing and gaping like idiots, finish your work and get out".

Pragya rushed into Arjuns arms" I missed you ".

In the meantime our 2 little munchkins who had run into the garden sprinklers Ran with their muddy feet into the house and straight to Arjun.

Krish and Kyra: " Dadda we missed you so mluch"

Arjun: " Omg what happened to you both, Nanny please take them straight into the bath before they catch cold".

The nanny left with the kids, while the rest of the family went to sit down and take some rest, as soon as they sat down, the maid Priya brought them refreshments.

Shristi picked up her cup of tea and smirked 😈.  Glancing around she deliberately dropped her cup spilling all her tea on the newly wiped floors.

Shri: " Oh gosh how clumsy of me, servant girl please clean it up".

Aaliya was about to snap back at her when she noticed Arjun watching her knowing they were already on thin ice, she silently walked over and wiped the floor.

Prajun,Rishta and Shrishmeer held back their giggles while super daadi said " Ah yeh tikke".

Sarla: " Beeji tum bhi".

Daadi" What did I do, I'm just saying this tea is right " she said with a naughty smile.

Preeta: " It's been a long trip I think we should all go freshen up, we will feel better".

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