What The hell..

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Pragya: " What's the matter Karan Luthra, why the shocked look, did you not read the invite that said Rishabh weds Preeta".

Karan: " Yeh nahi ho sakhta(this can't happen)."

Pragya:" Kyu, did you think you would sneak into my home, stalk my sister,  send goons to kidnap her and exchange brides and I wouldn't know? Are you that thick? You see what you don't realise is thanks to my ex sister in laws cheap plots to diminish my character and get married to my brother by cheat or to marry her friend to my so called husband by cheat, I learnt how the minds of selfish people work".

Pragya: " So let me tell you, those goons you hired, they were caught by my security, we indeed let them take a bride from here , but it was the same one who you tried to send, you are nothing next to my power, I told you I will never let you near my sister, I keep to my word Mr Karan Luthra".

Karan stared at her in anger: " I don't care, I wont accept this marriage, she is mine, do you hear me, I will get her no matter what it takes".

The next minute he felt a fist hit his jaw, he looked up to see Sameer glaring at him in rage .

Sameer: " What did you say, have you no Shame, shes your brothers wife, and Preeta Bhabi is not some object that she belongs to some one".

Karan: " What are you saying Sammy, shes my wife, you supported our love".

Rishabh: " Preeta Rishabh Luthra, that's her name, my wife, we married in the presence of both families, and you say Love, did Preeta ji ever say that she loved you ? What love are you referring to? Did you not abandon her on the roadside ? Announce your marriage to Mahira the very next morning ? KARAN , IM WARNING YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE, she's my world, my love, my everything and if anyone and I mean anyone tries to harm her or misbehave with her, I will forget all relation to them ".

Karan stood stunned, his brother who gave him everything he wanted was standing up to him.

Pragya: " Enough of your drama now, please leave qnd don't darken our lives with your presence ever again,  Security ".

And with that the security arrived and escorted Karan from the house .

Shristi: " Lekin Di , Karan bohot ziddi, he will not let them be happy ".

Pragya:" Choti.  You have no faith in your sister and Jiju".

Shristi: " No Di, it's not like that ".

Arjun: " Baby stop teasing her and choti saali, don't worry, we have you all secure, now let's prepare for rest of rituals".

Preeta who was shocked by everything that had happened just hugged Rishabh tightly.

Preeta who was shocked by everything that had happened just hugged Rishabh tightly

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Rishabh: " Hey don't worry, its all okay now, you safe angel, I got you ".

She held onto him tighter.

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