The Fallen Rockstar.

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The Mehra household was under seige, they were surrounded by the media and NGO woman demanding to blacken the stain to womanhood Tanu.

The curtains were all drawn and no one moved from their seats, a darkness had fallen over them but this was brought about by none but themselves, the dominoes had just started to fall. They had an angel but chose the demon.

Deciding something had to be done, Purab called the police and asked them to remove the media.

Meanwhile Aaliya had convinced Purab and Abhi that they had to go and meet Arjun Kapoor to get his investment. Unsure but hoping to regain some face in society they agreed.

Aaliya made a few calls and secured invites to the opening off a new hotel under the Kapoors, when Tanu requested that she Also attend. Abhi was firm In his stance that she would not embarass him any further.

The rest of the Mehras left.
They arrived at a stunning hotel and were shocked at its grandeur.

They went in and blended with the guests however most people snubbed any conversation with them and they were surrounded with the whispers of the recent scandal and wondered how anyone of that could even show their face

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They went in and blended with the guests however most people snubbed any conversation with them and they were surrounded with the whispers of the recent scandal and wondered how anyone of that could even show their face.

Aaliya told her brother: " just ignore them.Bhai, we just need this investment then no one will have anything to say" abhi being foolish and egotistical listened to his sister.
Aaliya noticed Purab on a call and standing with Disha hand in hand, it angered her. Raj noticed her line of site amd grabbed her hand before she could do something foolish again.

There was a commotion at the entrance with the media going wild.

They noticed Raman and Isitha enter.

Abhi: " Hey that's the police Commisioner. ".

Purab" Yes he is also one of the best investigative attorneys in the world".

Abhi nodded.

The next couple who entered left abhi a little taken aback.

But then he thought maybe Rishabh brought Preeta as they were friends but then they were followed by

The media closed up the gap as the next  arrive they cameraman were going crazy with the bulbs flashing continuously.
They were all eager to see Mr Arjun Kapoor.

Finally the crowded parted and there stood Arjun Kapoor in splendor, the media asked him many questions , to which he responded no comment and walked over to his sister In laws and friends.

Preeta: Jiju, what happened where is Di.

Arj: " The twins have slight fever so she didn't come, but insisted at least one of should be as soon as the ribbon cutting ceremony is done I will leave".

Pree: " Fever, I will go call Di, I will be right back".

No one stopped As they knew as Dr she wanted to make sure her niece and nephew were okay.

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