The Plan

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As Dishrub and Pragya entered the living room, Sarla was shocked as she didn't expect this, never the less she stood and hugged Disha her adoptive daughter and Purab who she took as her own son.

What shocked her even more was how Arjun and Purab hugged each other as well.

Sarla: " Pragya Beta, Purab and Arjun know each other" 

Pragya: " Haan ma, they have known each other for many years".

Daadi: " Lekin Pragya ye sab".

Pragya smiled and said " main Bata du".


When Abhi lashed out at Pragya and asked her to leave  after Daadi died, Purab at first tried to talk to Abhi and make him see reason ad he knew his friend was making another big mistake in blaming his Di, then Dishrab chased after Pragya, when they caught up with each other outside the hospital. Pragya told them to go back and they would meet each other a day later as right now she was still stunned that her husband had once again blamed her for trying to save him.

The next day as they did Daadis last right Dishrab had noticed their Di standing at a distance in the shadows, this broke their hearts as they knew how much she had  sacrificed for this family, once everything was done Abhi wanted to be left alone so Dishrab took this opportunity to go and meet their Di, the  3 of them went to a park nearby and sat down.

Disha: " Di, ab kya Kalinga, Jiju will calm down then you come back and talk to him".

Pragya: " Main Pregnant hoon, I got the results this morning".

Purab: " Kya, let's go now and tell Abhi".

Pragya: " Nay, Purab, the person who helped Simonika is non other than Tanu, I saw her there , and Daadi pushed me and took the bullet, Simonika didn't pull  the trigger, Tanu did".

Dishrab look at Pragya shocked .

Disha: "  But di we must tell this to Jiju".

Purab" Nay, ab bas".

Disha: " Lekin Purab ji".

Purab: " No disha, you don't understand, Abhi always sides with the wrong, he will never stand by Di and if she comes back there, her child is at risk as well as her, Tanu and Aaliya will never let her live in peace or enjoy her pregnancy and Abhi is an idiot ".

Disha was a bit shocked as she had never seen her husband so negative towards his best friend before, it made her wonder what had happened in the past that he had so much doubt that Abhi won't believe them.

Purab: " No I already lost my love , I wont loose my Di to that family too, hum Arjun se baat Karo ".

Pragya looked at him shocked " Lekin kyu, I can stay with Ma".

Purab: No di, if you stay here they will never leave you In peace, and it's enough Di, how much more must i watch my sister suffer, and Abhi he keeps making the same mistakes again and again. Please Di.

Pragya: : Tikke main jau, lekin plan kya he".

Purab: " Phele hum Arjun se baat Karo phir hum plan banaya"...

Pragya: ' Okay . Phir milenge. 

With that the trio dispersed with Pragya returning to her mother and Dishrab to the Mehras. 

End of flashback.

Sarla: ' Kya, yeh saab tumhara aur tumhara Bahi ka plan".

Pragya;" Haan Kyu Nai , from the beginning my brother has been beside me why would that change." 

Shristi: ' Haan dono bhai, behn hamesha aise hi, lekin plan kya haai"

Purab: " That we cant reveal yet, you all must wait and see. Haan Sarla Ma. Im very hungry"

Sarla: ' come my son and everyone lets go have our dinner, todays quota of drama is enough, with laughter they all went into the dining area. 

Meanwhile at the Mehras new residence, it was completely opposite to the warmth and laughter at the Kapoor mansion, here there was gloom . While Aaliya, Tanu and Mithali bickered about the number of rotis they could each have and who would have to share a bedroom with whom..

Daasi sat on the floor at the newly set up idol and temple as she looked the tears ran down her eyes. She knew that this entire situation was of her grandchildrens own making, they were greedy and selfish and Abhi even though he was essentially good at heart he could not see his faults, he could not see the faults of the people around him and his in ability to control his anger usually meant that he punished the wrong person, as she sat there she cried and also she prayed for God to return the one person who could save them, Her Bahu, Pragya, she was the one who always saved them from everything, she was a dutiful wife and daughter in law and protected their family but it seems that none in this family realised that except her and her late sister Daljeet, but as she pondered, as much as she wanted her beloved daughter in law to return she hoped she wouldn't, because yes Her Pragya was strong and resilient but she hads given to much of herself to this family and to her selfish, spineless and blind grandson so instead of wishing for her return she prayed that where ever she was, she was happy. 

While Abhi sat in a corner and watched his family bicker he suddenly felt very alone, the people he trusted, the ones he had chosen to stand beside, for whom he had given up his wife, they had destroyed all his hardwork, they had stolen his reputation, and now they were still acting like they were the only ones going through this, unable to bear their constant nagging he shouted.

Abhi: BAS, Enough, I have been silent all this time but its enough now. Aaliya and Raj you too will never learn again you turned greedy and this time you both have lost everything, and you Tanu what the hell are you still here for after being caught in your boyfriends arms in my own house, dont you have some shame.' He raged, his eyes burning fire, ' Tonight everyone will go to sleep, tomorrow you will all go look for work to provide for all your needs. "

And with that everyone retired to sleep on the hard floors with just a blanket each. as they were opening their mouth to complain, Abhi glared and they silently went to bed. 

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