Chapter two: side by side

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Clay had dropped the two off at a hospital and told the doctors to look them over and make sure they were okay, which they complied to. Now the blonde was sitting on the top of a water tank which was a building or so off from where 404 and Flame were fighting.

They had only recently learned about 404's power; Shadow and had seen it in action only twice which was strange as his partner 401 used his powers all the time then again he was being protected half the time due to him not really having the right powers to be able to fight with.

403 also never uses their powers when fighting, people think she can manipulate time as the three of them can be in front of someone one second then behind them the next. But then again they had no evidence to go with the Idea of the only female in the group's power. For all they know 401 might have three.

Or.. 404 might have two.. The thought wasn't completely abandoned by Clay but it was pretty clear it might also not be any of the three errors. Maybe they had a fourth member who had the power of invisibility and time manipulation, they wouldn't know. The sound of 404's voice pulled Clay from his thoughts.

"You asshole!" That was the first time he had heard the male speak. Even when he was cursing out Sapnap he never spoke, he hissed it out but you could make out worlds underneath the hissing but you couldn't hear his voice, now, now you could and his British accent was filled with rage "How dare you touch them!"

Dream was taken aback. Did 404 know those kids? The thought left Clay's mind as soon as it had appeared, 404 was getting violent, more violent than he normally is with the heros, he wasn't paying attention to what was happening around him, the fact Flame was about to shoot a ball of pure red fire at him or the fact the hero Dream was racing to his side.

404 was knocked down, the ball of fire just missing him as he was pulled down, on top of his enemies chest, ignoring the fact the hero had a comfortable chest he stood and growled. His focus had been knocked off so the shadows had let go of him and went back to being normal while Flame could move around again.

Dream grounded "no thank yous? I saved your life!"

404 hummed "let me kill him and i'll praise you." The British male's voice was noice, Clay enjoyed hearing 404 talk, it was like he knew the voice and the more he listened the more he was comparing it to others, trying to find out who the villain is.

The thought of 404 praising the hero did ring a bell but he could tell the villain meant kill when he said it. Dream placed a hand on his shoulder "how about you and I take him down then put him in jail instead of killing him?" He didn't want another crime on this man's list as it seemed he took care of George's siblings or was somehow close to them.

People think he's related to the Siren, one of the most popular villains in time, people were clipping news footage to make thirst traps of him and everything, but he was two short to be.. And to pale. Clay shook his head, he had to stop thinking about random shit.

404 looked like he was debating it, he let out a breath, shoulders relaxing, was he going to accept the offer of teaming up to put his most hated work buddy in prison?

"Let me break his arm at least.." the shorter hummed, his voice changer wasn't crackly anymore, it was clear now that he had some sort of really deep voice, and it was toned to be extra cold or was the deep voice the only thing the changer was doing?

Dream sighed, Flame was gonna have to deal with a broken arm or leg then. "Go ahead Mr. Notfound." that what the error 404 means 'not found' or so that's what google told him. 404 flipped him off, clearly no longer in the mood to talk as he ran after the Villain that was trying to make an escape.. He was in front of him in a second so he could either manipulate time or teleport.. That's fun.

Dream rushed after him, taking place on a building and summoning a bow and arrow, he could heal himself and others (if desperately needed) as well as summon any weapon, he had to give Ashtray a sword last time they were all out and they were fighting 403, the dumbass nearly died due to them ignoring what was happening, Sap had to come save them, if it were up to Dream he wouldn't bring the child out onto the field again.

He pulled an arrow into the bow, pulling the string back as he closed one eye to take aim, watching what was happening, watching as 404 got punched.. Something inside him snapped and he aimed no longer at Flame leg but at his stomach, where he might be able to kill him, he never went for a killing blow.

He let go, letting the arrow fly through the air, only after he let go did he realise what was happening, that he had tried to go for a killing blow. He didn't know why, but he let it fly through the air. 404 had moved out of the way of another ball of fire, it seemed that he was able to get a view of the arrow and moved the villain so it would hit the guy's arm, going right through it and that's what it did.

Dream let out a breath of relief watching as the Villain fell to the ground, 404 seemed to have already broken an arm, now breaking a leg by using his ability 'shadow' on him and making it twist his leg until it snapped, Dream slowly made his was over holding a pair of handcuffs which would deactivate peoples powers for more than 24 hours, well until they were taken off actually but still.

Dream walked up behind 404 and looked at what he was doing, cringing at the sight of the completely ruined leg before him on this villain. "404.. That's enough.." 404 looked at Dream and shrugged letting his abilities affects fade back into nothing.

Dream hummed "they're at the hospital three blocks away from here.."

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