Chapter seven: late night cuddles

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George smiled as he watched the two kids go to their rooms to sleep. After getting home from the party he had to help Scarlet take her makeup off as well as Tommys, which was fine with him, he loved taking care of his siblings.

Scarlet had made him braid her hair before she went to sleep which was one of the hardest things he had to do all day. Now that they were in bed George had time to relax and drink a cup of earl grey tea and watch something on tv.

His phone went off with three texts before he could even get the kettle to a boil. Three texts by someone under the name 'blondie💚😋' Also known as clay, the Dream fanboy.

Hey cupcake, I was wondering if you were still awake
I'm getting off work in half an hour
I was kinda hoping I could come crash at yours tonight?

George hummed, he must have been working in the area if he could get to George's small ass apartment. George hummed and nodded to himself

The doors unlocked clay. 💕

He normally didn't add emojis or anything at the end of his texts so it would probably seem weird to Clay as he added a heart to the end of his sentence but oh well, let Clay take it as he wanted to. George smiled, waiting for his water to boil so he could have his tea, this was going to be one hell of a relaxing night if clay would be here, after all he was going to get a human sized heated pillow.


The sound of knocking at his door made George smile, he stood and walked over, peeking out through the window next to the door just to make sure it was Clay. There at the door stood the tall blonde asshole George had grown to like over the past two years. The door was thrown open seconds after, Clay startled due to how violently the door was pulled open.

George had been watching a movie while he waited and now he wanted to go to bed, he pulled the blonde into the house and closed the door, locking it.

"You look tired.." George whispered, looking up at him.

Clay chuckled. "It's because I am." He smiled and pulled George into a hug.. that made him smile.

George grabbed Clay's hand before dragging the giant to his room. "You can sleep then!!" He smiled and pushed clay onto the bed, flopping down next to him.

Dream raised an eyebrow. "You wanna sleep in the same bed?"

George hummed. "Well I'm not going to make you sleep on the couch and I'm sure as hell not not sleeping in my own bed tonight so yes, we're sharing." He smiled and pulled the covers over them both, laying his head on dreams chest. "Plus.. you make a nice pillow."

Dream laughed, playing with George's hair. "You have good points." He hummed, not getting a response from the brunette which made him confused. He tilted George's head up to see him fast asleep. "Well goodnight then cutie." He whispered and kissed his forehead before shutting his eyes and letting the darkness consume himself as well.

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