Chapter three: Until next time

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404 shakily stood up, backing away from Dream with a limp before darting off towards the hospital.. he needed to make sure they were okay.

Dream watched him for a few moments before turning towards flame, and walking towards them.


George arrived at the hospital (After he changed) around 45 minutes later, his leg had slowed him down. He walked inside and straight to the front desk, claiming he needed to see his siblings. The lady told him to sit, which he did grudgingly with an eye roll.

A nurse came out five minutes later. "George.. your siblings are ready to see you." She hummed, eyeing his leg which he eventually just hid behind his other leg.

The boy quickly stood and awkwardly walked over, trying not to limp. "Okay!! Yes- Take me, now- I mean... uh- I'm ready..?"

The nurse looked at him weirdly for a few seconds before gesturing for him to follow her to the room.

George quickly followed, hiding his limp best he could.. he was really worried about his siblings, hoping they were okay.

The nurse took him to a room and opened the door, showing him the two kids inside. There were two beds, one on the left wall and one on the right making them face each other. There wasn't much else there, just a few desks and medical equipment.

George felt his heart break as he saw his two siblings in the beds.. he just wanted to go and make sure they were safe, so he did

He went over to Scarlet and gently picked her up before walking over to Tommy and placing her beside him so he could look them both over.

The nurses had patched up their burns, as well as cleaning any scratches and wiping blood off them, they looked alot better which made George happy.

He looked over at the nurse with a thankful smile. "When can I take them home?" He asked quietly, holding onto the two of them.

The nurse hummed. "You can take them home now as long as you take them back to get the burns looked at... but sir, you should really get yourself checked out too..."

George shook his head. "I'm fine." He whispered, looking at his siblings with a hum. "Let's go home.." he whispered and stood. Tommy immediately got up as well to help his older brother walk. Scarlet tried her best to help but Tommy insisted he could do it himself... he was a 'big man' as he put it.

"Georgie, how did you get hurt..? Was it Dream!? I swear I'll-" Scarlet was cut off by a small laugh of her older brother, well her oldest brother, George gave her a soft smile and patted her head.

"I fell and smacked my leg into a building while I froze time, I think my bone snapped or something.." Scarlet deadpanned, how could her brother be so dumb?


Clay had just gotten home from dropping the villain off at the station, he sighed and got changed into jeans and a singlet, he walked into the kitchen and started on dinner, Nick and his sibling were joining him for dinner again like every other day.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow. He got a half hour break so he was gonna see George on patrol.

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