Chapter nine: A Tale of tales

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The politician's son had told his side of the story but the bullshit burnt Scarett's ears. His side of the story went something like this:

He was walking around and saw Scarlett doing Tommy's makeup. He walked over to see what was happening and heard Scarlett compliment the boy. He had looked at Tommy and also complimented him, Scarlett threw a punch at him and started to beat him up for no reason.

Dream nodded and sighed. "Scarlett, please retell your side of the story." He knew the girl didn't hit him for no reason, the face she made when she had to explain it again was something mixed between an expression one would make from drinking piss and eating a human liver.

"Fine. He was being a homophobic bitch towards Tommy after he let me do his makeup, he walked up to us out of nowhere after I told tommy he looked beautiful and was about to take a photo to send George." She was giving more detail this time, she wasn't happy with the situation, having to repeat herself was not something Scarlett liked to do.

Dream nodded, listening carefully, there was more detail but so far it stayed the same. Scarlett's face twisted with anger as she spoke the next part. "He said, and I quote, 'He looks like one of the drag queen faggots who let everyone hit it, you know one of those gay sluts.' After he made a mockery of my voice saying, 'YoU'rE BEauTIfuL TOms.' Which got me mad, he kept talking to me in a baby voice as if I was a newborn and needed to be babied." She crossed her arms with a huff.

"He offered to fight me-"

"I offered you a hug!" The man cut in but went silent after seeing the bloodthirsty glare from Scarlett.

"So you're saying, 'Why don't you try telling me with your fists, maybe I'll understand then.' Is your way of asking for a hug?" She grinned, her teeth on display. "Then let me give you another 'hug.'"

"Scarlett, focus, you need to finish off the rest of your story." George scolded gently, he honestly wanted to punch the boy as well, but as an adult he couldn't.

"He offered to fight me and thought I wouldn't take him up on his offer so I punched him, knocked him off his feet and kicked him a couple times." She smiled brightly at her brothers and the hero who was staring at her dumbfounded.

Dream nodded. "Okay, can you repeat your side of the story boy?"

The politician's son huffed. "Fine." He didn't want to be here, he wanted his father to come get him, he couldn't trust this woman she looked like she wanted to kill him. "I was walking about, saw her doing his makeup, complemented her skills and his face, then complemented her and she started to scream about how I verbaly raped her and then started to beat me up as 'self defence.'" He turned to look away.

"Jason, what you just said was different to the first time you said it, why did you change your story?" Dream tilted his head, he was clearly siding with the Davidsons and not going to let Scarlett get in trouble for something like defending her brother from a homophobe.

"D-did I?" You could see sweat drops form on the boy's head, slowly rolling down his face, he had been lying.

"Tommy, can you tell us what happened?"

Scarlett blinked and grabbed hold of Tommy's hand and gave him an encouraging smile, she normally talked when it had to do with things like these even though she has social anxiety it disappears when she's defending her brothers like this. Tommy nodded and looked at Dream, staring at the eyes on the smiley face mask.

"Scarlett was doing my makeup and he walked over, mimicked her after she complimented me, he did say... that sentence." He didn't want to say it himself, it made him feel wrong just to even think it. Dream, of course, knew and understood why Tommy was uncomfortable saying it.

"You don't need to repeat it, Scarlett has said it enough." He hummed, a reassuring smile under his mask.

Tommy nodded. "After he kept pestering Scarlett and offered her a fight. Which she took up and punched him, knocked him to the floor and kicked him a bit before I pulled her away."

Dream hummed. "Scarlett and Tommy are the victims here, headmaster. Is there an issue with giving a bad kid punishment?"

"He's the son of a politician!"

"And? Children need to learn that their actions have consequences." George deadpanned, rubbing his siblings' heads, he loved them with all his heart.

The man's eyes twitched. "And how is a 5'2" female able to take down a 6'6" male!?" The principal didn't seem like he liked how this was playing out very much. "That shouldn't be possible!"

Scarlett stood and walked over to him. "I've taken down a 6'7" tall male before. You think taking down someone who's 6'6" and doesn't even have any powers is that hard?" she huffed and turned, walking back to her seat, she wasn't allowed to attack the headmaster she'd go to jail because Dream was here to put her there if needed.

Dream hummed and patted the girls back. "If you won't give him any punishments then I will. The kid gets three weeks of detention, a month of community service and has to come with me to get a formal education about bullying and homophobic behaviours."

George hummed and smiled at his siblings. "Should we get ice cream on the way home?"

"No, I want a slushie." Scarlett huffed

Tommy hummed. "Milkshake."

George just smiled, "I'll make you them at home then."

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