Thoma x Ayato | Irodori festival (fluff drabble)

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Irodori festival has begun.

Thoma noticed that his master had been overworking himself, so he is going to surprise him.

He stayed up until three in the morning, finishing all of Ayato's work. He also made boba for him, but decided to put it in the fridge so it will be nice and cold when drinking it. He then prepared clothes to wear for the both of them. After everything was finally done, Thoma went to bed.

Surprisingly, Ayato was already fast asleep.


Thoma woke up to a hand on his chest. He wished he could snuggle more, but had to get up anyway. He slowly removes Ayato's hand and starts making breakfast.

While he was frying an egg, Ayato woke up and lightly hugged him from the back.

"You're up early." A soothing yet sleepy voice said.

Thoma explained that everything has been done, and that they were going to ritou for the irodori festival.

Ayato couldn't help but slightly feel bad, yet also felt relaxed.


They first took a stroll around the main area, looking at the five kasen's artworks.
They met Klee, albedo, xingqiu, and basically everyone else there. All talked and made friends. Thoma felt relieved to see his master all happy instead of overworking himself.

They went to uyuu restaurant for lunch, Ayato somehow got drunk while talking to venti.

Ayato tried to pet a cat, but accidentally startled it, resulting in a huge scratch on his arm. Due to that incident, Thoma wanted to go back to the Kamisato Estate for the both of them to rest. However, Ayato insisted that he was fine and stayed in Ritou until the day was over.

Thoma had to carry Ayato half of the way back, since he was really drunk. They sooner enough got to their room in the estate, snuggled together, and fell soundly asleep.


Word count: 319

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