Noelle x Lumine | Accepted (fluff)

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Lumine p.o.v

"Lumine! Lumine!! Look!!" You heard a voice from behind as two arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you.

It was noelle. Noelle was a really hardworking girl. Her dream was to be apart of the knights of favonius. She has been trying to get in for several years, but had always failed. She prayed every day to the anemo archon, and the spring fairy of spring vale. You, as her girlfriend, also manifested that she will be accepted. She does 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, and 100 squats every day as her training. She plans to raise the numbers by 50 starting next week. Yesterday, it was the selection day for the maids of the knights of favonius. Noelle has entered, of course. And guess what?..

"Lumine! I got in! I- I did it!" Noelle screamed with happy tears running down her cheeks.
You also started to tear up, while tightly hugging her back and giving her a quick peck on the lips being very proud of your girlfriend. Noelle finally achieved her lifelong dream.
"My job starts next week. I truly will do the best I can!" She said.

When you were thinking about a fun place to go to, something popped up in your mind.

"I know a firework maker in inazuma, would you like to go there tomorrow as a celebration?" You offered, as it was a huge milestone for the both you two.
"Wait, really?.. but, wouldn't that be too expensive?" Noelle asked with a worried tone.
"Not at all! Only a hundred thousand mora per a thirty minute show." You replied.
"Oh, alright then! Thank you, Lumine. I'm very grateful for this." She said while blushing.
"W-wait! But, how do we get there?"
"Haha, I know a friend."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A day had passed. Today was the day for your date. Well, you didn't know if you could call it a date since it's more of a celebration, but that didn't matter to you. Your girlfriend achieved her lifelong dream which she has trained and prepared of for several years.

You woke up to a hand wrapped around your waist. When you looked to the left, you saw an angel-like faced sleeping beauty, with a name noelle. You couldn't help but stare at her cute face. Everything about noelle was perfect. Her eyes, nose, lips, jaw.. even her personality. You deeply cared for her and wouldn't let anything bad ever happen to her. Though you were happy that she got accepted as a knight maid, you still were really worried about something happening to her. You tried not to think of it much, though.

Noelle woke up about fifteen minutes later, and got up. After she brushed her teeth and everything, you bring her near the table with a special meal. Okay, well, maybe not that special. It was some mango juice, rice, some chicken, and omelette.
"Good morning lumine!" She greeted. Of course, you greeted back. You kissed her softly on the lips as usual, and you two had your breakfasts.

After you both finished, the journey to liyue started. The two adventured through the guili plains, various steep hills, and even got chased by a few hilichurls; which noelle cleared out in seconds. After hours, they arrived at the liyue harbor. They went near the dock as they met beidou and the crux. Ningguang was also there to greet you two, which was quite surprising since she doesn't often come down from the jade chamber. You two got on the Alcor, and begun their way to Inazuma. It was a really long trip.

The sky went gold, the sun went down, and the lights went dim. They had made it to inazuma city, which is where they will be seeing the fireworks and sleep. You had already booked a room, so spending a night there would be no problem at all. After taking a seat on the fuzzy grass and resting, a young girl with tied blonde hair showed up.
"Hello! You must be noelle? Nice to meet you! I'm Yoimiya, a professional firework maker. Here's my card..." She introduces herself and bows. A few minutes later, the fireworks started.

The first one was a chibi noelle in a maid outfit. Next was you hugging noelle. Then a heart. It was some cute moments that happened between you two, and different colored hearts occasionally. Noelle had tears on the brim of falling, which I hope is from joy.

After about an hour, Yoimiya bowed a goodbye and left. You realize that Noelle fell fast asleep on your shoulder. You once again got to see that cute sleeping face of hers. You had to carry her to the booked room, but she suddenly woke up once you got back.

(Implied seggs ahead but not smut, don't read if sensitive)

"Ah, you're awake. Sorry if it was a bumpy road, ehe", you chuckled.
"Lumine... I read a novel from the yae publishing house about this. Do you..uhm.." she stuttered, but you could kind of tell what she was going to say.
"You want to know what a certain word means, right?"
"Y-yeah but.. not exactly just like that."
"Alright, I can explain it to you physically." This was going to be a long, long night for sure.

(A/N Note: there you go h0rny peeps)

The end.

Word count: 900

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