Aether x Xiao | The balcony boy (Smut)

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Aether walked up the stairs of wangshu inn, up to the balcony. The smell and warmth of almond tofu hitting his skin, as gentle breeze brushed through strands of hair.

"How can I help?" A sudden voice came.

"Ah, Adeptus Xiao. Conquerer of demons," He thought.

Aether showed Xiao the almond tofu, and he gained a small smile on his face.

Xiao ate all of it up really fast. "Thank you, Aether."

They spent some time observing the sky, and admiring its beauty. The faint chatter of people, and the sound of water under the bridge was beautiful. Everything was so perfect. It felt just right, and it felt comforting.

"I'll be sure to bring more next time, if you'd like." Aether smiled softly, looking at Xiao.

"Ah, there is no need to.. I don't want to burden you." He smiled back, however, avoiding eye contact.

"You stupid little yaksha! Don't ever say that, you would never burden me!" Aether playfully hit Xiao's arm, laughing and smiling.

"L-little!? I'm not-" Xiao tried to argue, but was cut off by a sudden compliment from Aether.

"Oh Xiao, you're so cute when flustered.."

"I am not flustered! I.. I just- urgh.." He ran out of things to reply with, and the deep red blush on his cheeks became impossible to hide.

"Aww, your blush is even more beautiful than the scenery.." Aether continued to compliment.

"Shut up." Xiao looked away.

"Hehe, okay then. I'll go back now, and will return with more almond tofu next ti-"

Just as Aether was about to leave, Xiao grabbed his hand.

Smut incoming

Xiao looked at him, slowly moving his lips towards Aether's until they made contact. Aether kissed back, sliding their tongues against one another.

Soon, Xiao pulled away, gasping for air. He looked down at the forming tent in Aether's pants, and asked for consent.

Aether nodded, trusting Xiao more than anyone else.

He teleported them to a room. It was quiet, and they could only hear themselves panting heavily.  

Xiao gently pressed Aether down on the bed, and started kissing his neck, leaving hickies on some sensitive spots. He would kiss, then suck for a few seconds before moving to another spot and repeating to leave more marks.

Xiao slowly pulled down Aether's lower clothing, and moved his head downward. He put all of Aether's cock in his mouth, reaching the parts he couldn't with his hands.

Aether was getting closer, closer, and closer to his climax, as Xiao bobbed his head back and forth while turning his wrists.

"X-xiao.. I'm- cumming.." Aether struggled to say. Just as he was right on the edge, Xiao stopped. Aether was slightly upset, but then Xiao started undressing himself.

"Aether, today is your day." Those were the words he last heard before Xiao sat on his dick, taking him in completely.

"W-wait, no lube!? You're going to hurt! X-xia-" Aether tried to speak, but Xiao didn't listen. Xiao felt as if he was being set on fire, but it felt good. He was being stretched so good.

Up and down, up and down. It was slow, but it was deep. His mind went cloudy as Xiao's soft moans continue to spill out of his lips.

He sped up the pace a little, as Aether also started to give him a hand job. The room was full of their sounds, and anyone outside would definitely hear them. But, they did not care and continued on.

Xiao sped up even more, now both of them being a total mess. Aether was close to his climax once again. Aether's member twitched inside of Xiao, and they both came. Xiao helped Aether clean up by licking the shaft, while Aether was still shaking from the intense orgasm.

They put their clothes back on, then got into a heated make out session. Finally, after a long while, Aether pulled away.

He asked Xiao where exactly he teleported them to. Turns out it was a random empty room of the inn.

Smut over

He went back to the balcony, and Aether exited the room.

"Hey, are you alright Traveler? I'm pretty sure I heard some screams and it sounded like your voice. Is everything okay? You know I'm here if you'd like to talk about anything." Verr Goldet spoke. Aether answered her that it wasn't him. She looked at him with a confused yet concerned look.

That day definitely was something. Aether would surely visit again some time..
On his way back to liyue harbor, Aether decided it would be nice to pick some silk flowers as they were one of the most beautiful flowers of liyue, along with the Qingxin and Glaze lilies.

He travelled back from the shortest route possible, the Guili Plains, as his legs felt pretty weak from this incident.

Alhough he did encounter a few monsters on the way, Aether tried his best not to startle them or to get hurt. He ended up having to fight an abyss mage since they will just never leave one alone after you startle them.

After the tiring fighting, he finally got back to liyue harbor. He still had to walk, though. Aether went to the house he rented and instantly fell asleep on the bed.

Word count: 852

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