Yanfei x Hu Tao | The client (1/2 Fluff)

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Yanfei POV

Today was the day you would meet your client, named Hu Tao. She is well known for working at wangsheng funeral parlor as the 77th director.

"Miss Yanfei! Miss Yanfei!! I'm here, sorry for being late!"
A young woman with long, dark brown hair, scarlet eyes and fair skin comes running to you. 

She seems to be holding a pet carrier, and inside of it was a small white kitten.

"Ah, you must be Hu Tao. Nice to meet you!"
You shake hands with her.

"So for the contract, I suppose you have to sign and we're done?"
You try to search in your bag, but unfortunately can't seem to find the piece of paper.

"Ah, yes." She replied in a happy voice.

- A few minutes have passed, yet you still have not found the paper -

"Err.. sorry, miss Hu Tao but it seems I forgot the paper at home.."
You said, feeling guilty.

"It's alright then! Why not take a walk around Liyue and get to know each other more?"
"Sure! I quite like that idea."


You two take a walk around Liyue, and ended up in Wanmin restaurant.

"Oh, yanfei! Is that your girlfriend?~"
Xiangling said in a jokingly way.

"N-no! She's my client, Hu Tao, 77th director of the wangsheng funeral parlor!"
"Alright, alright then. Just don't forget to invite me to the wedding."
Xiangling winked and continued cooking.

Yanfei sighs and continues to walk towards the deck. She was planning to see Beidou, her best friend.
Just then, she accidentally bumps into an adult male with black hair and dark eyes.

"My most sincere apologies."
The man said and continued to walk around. He sure looked suspicious but yet was kind.
Though, you had a feeling you met him before.

Hu Tao suddenly screamed and started to run after him.
Does she know this man?

You stood in your place for a few minutes, looking at Hu Tao.
She's so cute when she's so happy like that..

Wait, what are you thinking about!?
She's not your friend or girlfriend anymore, she's your client.
Get your mind together, yanfei!

Hu Tao returns, and her smile as big as ever.
"Hehe, sorry if I took too long. Sir Zhongli is an employee at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor."
Hu Tao holds your hand, causing you to blush a bit.

"Yanfei, are you okay? You look a bit red. Did you catch a cold?"
She rests her hand on your forehead.
"Mm, you feel warmer than usual. Not a very high fever, but you definitely need a rest."
"You can come over my house if you'd like, hehe!" She giggles in a playful tone.

Of course, you didn't deny.
But having your high school crush take care of you for having a fever now, as your client, felt both exciting and a bit scary.
The scary part wasn't really.. scary, but rather just makes your heart race with the thought of it.

You arrived at the house, but..


sorry for cliffhanger but trust me next part is j u i c y ;)

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