Tighnari x Cyno.w/Eleazar | Recovering (Smut)

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This is an AU where Cyno has Eleazar, is recovering but has to be under constant care kinda? So it's more like a modern!Sumeru ig. Tighnari is a doctor here but is dating Cyno so yes.

OH BY THE WAY, Cyno is at the place tighnari stays in game, but bigger and it acts as a hospital.

bottom cyno because it's rare

Cyno slowly blinks awake to find himself in a bed. He felt his muscles feeling sore, and he was struggling to get up.

"Here love, let me help you.." Tighnari helps him sit and brings him the breakfast.

"You suddenly passed out yesterday. Although it is a sign of recovering, the process may lead you to faint extremely often. Not only can that be dangerous due to head injuries, it may also make you feel weaker and feel the need to vomit." He explains politely.

"Do you feel anything strange or out of the ordinary?" He asks, to which Cyno replied by shaking his head.
"Okay then. In some cases, fainting can also make your brain a bit confused, so it may be hard to speak for a few hours. Take a rest, I understand." He kisses his boyfriend's forehead, and gets up.

Just as he was about to leave, Cyno grabs his wrist, telling him to stay.
"Anything you need, love?" Tighnari sits on the bed while stroking his fingers through Cyno's hair.
Cyno then hugs and cuddles him as a response, slightly shocking Tighnari but not necessarily in a negative way.

"One moment please." He whispers, he then got up and pulled the curtains so that the place would be slightly darker.
The second he returns to sit, Cyno wanted to tease and decided to slightly palm Tighnari.
"Ah-.. I see. If that's what you want, I wouldn't mind.."

"I.." Cyno tried to say something, but failed due to embarrassment.
"Yes, dear? How would you like it?" Tighnari asked, slightly smirking.
"I dreamed of you.. s-sucking my.. uhm.. you know.." He said, blushing.
"Sucking your what, love?" Tighnari replied in a teasing way.

"M-my.. c-cock.." Cyno was turning as red as a tomato at this point. He just hoped Tighnari would get straight into it now.
"Alright. I will make your dream come true. Tell me what you want me to do okay? Feel free to stop me at  any moment too if you feel uncomfortable."
Cyno nodded..

"Oh and, no need to worry about anyone seeing or hearing us. I'm on leave today actually, and Collei won't be here for a while." He reassures Cyno.
He starts to slowly undress Cyno. It was easier since his cape and extra accessories were already taken off.

Tighnari starts to unbuckle Cyno's belt, and palmed him through the thin underwear after doing so.
"A-mhm.." Cyno puts a hand over his mouth to muffle his moans.
"It's okay.. like I said, no one's going to hear us.."

Tighnari takes the final piece of clothing off, revealing Cyno's full body.
He starts by slowly stroking it, and even with the slightest movements, Cyno shivered.
Cyno could probably cum just by this moment. Everything felt so heated as if they were in the desert and not the rain forest.

"You must've been so touch-starved to react like this.. tell me, is this your first time?"
"Y-yes..ah!.." He struggled to speak, but managed to in a low volume.

"I'll make this your first and your best.." He whispered and continued to stroke Cyno.
He stopped, making Cyno confused, wondering what Tighnari was about to do.

He kissed Cyno's jaw and starts to leave small butterfly kisses to the neck. He reached his tongue for the pulse, and sucked it hard enough to leave a bruise. Cyno was practically turning into a  gasping mess.

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