Xinyan x Xiangling [REQUEST]

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Xinyan and Xiangling were best of friends, both talented musicians in their own right. They had always talked about participating in the annual Lantern Rite Festival together and this year, they were finally going to make it happen.

The festival was a grand celebration held in the city of Liyue for New Years, and it was a time for people to come together and celebrate love, happiness, and peace.

Xinyan and Xiangling had been busy preparing for the festival for weeks. They had created new music pieces specifically for the festival and had even managed to score a performance slot on one of the main stages.

They were both incredibly excited, but also a little nervous about performing in front of such a large crowd.

The day of the festival had finally arrived and Xinyan and Xiangling were all dressed up in their finest attire, ready to perform. They were both sporting traditional Liyue clothing and Xinyan had even brought out her electric guitar to accompany her fiery performance (fiery, as in, literally using her pyro abilities.)

As they walked through the bustling streets of Liyue, they couldn't help but feel the excitement in the air. Everywhere they looked, they saw colorful lanterns, delicious food stalls, and people of all ages enjoying themselves.

Xinyan and Xiangling made their way to the stage. The crowd had already started to gather, eagerly awaiting their performance.

The two took their places on stage and Xinyan stepped forward, strumming her guitar. She struck the first chord and the crowd erupted in cheers. Xinyan and Xiangling looked at each other, grinning from ear to ear, and started playing their first piece.

The music was upbeat and energetic, and Xinyan's powerful voice filled the air. The crowd was dancing and singing along, and Xinyan and Xiangling were having the time of their lives. As they finished their first song, they received a standing ovation, and the two cheered the crowed on.

The rest of the night was a blur of music and laughter. Xinyan and Xiangling played several more songs, each one better than the last. They played traditional Liyue songs, modern pop tunes, and even a few of their own compositions. The crowd was mesmerized, and by the end of the night, Xinyan and Xiangling had become the stars of the festival.

After the performance, Xinyan and Xiangling walked hand in hand through the city, taking in the sights and sounds of the festival. They were both exhausted, but couldn't stop smiling. They stopped at a food stall to grab a bite to eat and as they sat there, munching on some delicious dumplings, they reflected on the night's events.

"Xiangling, today was amazing!" Xinyan exclaimed. "I've never felt so.. happy!"

"I agree! It was so much fun playing with you, Xinyan. I'm so glad we finally got to participate in the Lantern Rite Festival together," Xiangling replied, smiling.

Xinyan looked like she had something on her mind, her heart pounding in her chest. The lanterns hanging above cast a warm glow over them.

Xinyan took a deep breath and said, "Xiangling, I've been thinking about this for a long time now. I really love you, and I wanted to ask you something..."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Xiangling's eyes widened in surprise, and a huge smile spread across her face. "Oh, Xinyan! I've been waiting for you to ask me that! I will, I love you too.."

Xinyan let out a relieved sigh, and she and Xiangling hugged each other tightly, surrounded by the mildly loud chatter of the citizens of Liyue on the streets.

They released each other and slowly leaned closer until their lips touched, tongues slowly tangling around each other's. It was a slow, and soft sensation, which made it even better for the both of them.

As they stood together, they realized that they could have never been happier. They found the person they wanted to spend the rest of her life with, and nothing could make them happier than being with each other.

They looked up at each other, and Xinyan knew that she had made the right choice in asking Xiangling to be her girlfriend.

The two continued to chat and eat, watching as the lanterns in the sky lit up the night. It was the perfect end to an unforgettable evening.


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