Yanfei x Hu Tao | The Client (2/2 Smut)

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Yanfei POV

Ok so the backstory is that Hu Tao was Yanfei's high school crush. Yanfei confessed, they dated for a few days then Hu Tao just had to leave the school from her grandfather dying.

It would be over 5 years they haven't met

Previous part, Yanfei didn't remember Hu Tao. But here, she realizes.

Disclaimer: Slight bdsm?, bondage and handcuffs, praise kink, possible out of characters

yanfei pov

"Alright! Wanna watch anime or something? If you don't like anime we ca-" Hu Tao nervously asked.
"I do quite like anime, heh." You replied.

You two walk over to the sofa and watch the anime, called "Citrus".

Although, Something has been on your mind lately.
That book on the shelf.. that book was the one you gave to her..

"H-Hu Tao.. wait, HU TAO!?"
You screamed, tears on the brim of falling upon your cheeks.

"Yanfei... hehe, I guess I could say it took you quite a while to notice. Not that I min-"
You cut her off and hugged her, sobbing.

"I-I missed you so much.. What happened?"
You hesitantly asked.
"Ah, well, my grandfather passed away and I had to be the director. I couldn't do both high school and my job at the same time, so I had to focus more on the job.."
She replied.

"A-at least could've told me something.."
You both went silent for a bit.
"Oh, and, what did you mean that day?.."

Hu Tao's face turned bright red. It was now her time to blush.

"W-well.. I was trying to ask, if, perhaps.."
She goes silent.
"Perhaps what?" You asked curiously.

"Would you like to move in!? I have always wanted to live together with you but was too afraid to ask.." She blurted out.

"Aw, of course! Hehe, I'd be more than happy to.."
You replied, now feeling more comfortable and at ease around her.

However, when you looked back at the anime..

Oh, sweet lord morax. The two step-sisters were doing such unspeakable, unholy actions which both of you were staring at, speechless and flustered.

"A-augh uh- s-sorry I didn't realize the movie had these scenes.."
You apologized, knowing you were the one who suggested this movie.

"Could be us."
Hu Tao whispered, close to your ear. A small grin forming on her face.
Your face flushed bright red as if it wasn't already red enough before.

"H-Hu Tao!" You screamed.
"Hehe, sorry if I went too far. Though, I have bought some items and they haven't been of use not even once.. May I have your consent..?" She asked, in a slightly flirty way.

"W-wait, what items exactly do you mean?"
"I could list them, but I'll keep it a surprise. Come with me to the bedroom, love."

Oh boy. Suddenly, you were discovering a whole new side of Hu Tao. Only a matter of time can tell if your legs will even work the next day.

Hu Tao gets on top of you, and you were now laying on the bed.
"M-may I?.." She asks.
"Of course."

Hu Tao starts taking off your clothes. It was relatively easy to do so since you wore a crop top and short pants.

"H-Hu Tao.. please.."
You begged, not knowing what exactly you were for.

"I love you more than I could ever express, Yanfei.."
Hu Tao takes a pair of handcuffs out of the drawer.
"Tell me if you want me to stop, love."

Hu Tao cuffs your hands to the headboard, and reaches down for a kiss.
She leaves butterfly kisses down to your neck, nibbling lightly on it.

"May I leave some marks..?"
"Of course."
She starts starts sucking on your pulse, and biting it with her sharp front teeth.
You struggled with trying to not squirm around under her, although it felt extremely pleasuring.

"A-ah-" you failed to protest, however knowing deep inside you didn't want her to stop.
It drew a small bit of blood, and she used her tongue to wipe it clean.
"Now everyone can see that you're mine..."

She works her way kissing down to the valley of your breasts, taking one in her hand and sucking on the other.
Hu Tao removes her hand and slowly creeps it down to your crotch, palming it slightly.

"P-please tao.. please.." You begged, unable to speak from the image of your girlfriend on top of you doing such things to you.
"Please what, love? Use your words, dear~"

"please fuck me.." you said softly, blushing.
Hu Tao starts to move downwards.

She hesitantly places a kiss on the nub, licking it softly.
She starts licking from the bottom to the top, repeating that motion again and again until you were a huge moaning mess.
You wanted to grab her head for more pressure on your pulsing, aroused part but unfortunately, they were cuffed.

Suddenly, she inserts her tongue inside of your throbbing hole.
You let a cry of pleasure escape your lips.
She also inserts her index and middle finger, increasing your sensitivity.

She was so good at this, you could cum right on the spot.
"I-I'm close.."
However, Hu Tao wasn't going to let you yet.
She stops, and pulls out something from the drawer.

She walks back to you and inserts it in.
You yelped, it was cold and the sudden contrast of temperature felt unexplainably good.
She turns the vibrator on minimum, while pumping it in and out of you as well.

But, that wasn't enough for you. You wanted more. No, you needed more.
She abruptly turns the settings to maximum, shocking you.
"C-close again..!~"
You really needed to cum this time.

Fortunately for you, Hu Tao didn't stop this time.
One last thrust of the vibrator sent you past the edge, as your climax came crashing down.
You needed to take a few moments to ride out the orgasm.

Hu Tao slowly pulled out the vibrator, and starts to clean you up with her tongue.

Time skip




3 am.




You blink awake.

You turn beside you, to see a beautiful girl with long, straight, silky brown hair.

Wait a minute.

Oh, lord Morax.
Why were you naked and sleeping next to this woman!?

She isn't a "woman". She's your girlfriend, dumbass.

It took a few moments for you to get your senses back and remember everything.

Hu Tao also wakes up, and brings you into her arms for a hug.
"I'll get you a bath ready to take care of you later today.."
She smiles, as you both drift off to dreamland once again.

1115 words

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